Career Advantage: Patriots Fans vs. Giants Fans

Whichever team comes out as Superbowl champions between the Giants and the Patriots, it will be a big payday for the winning team’s players. But, what about their fans? PayScale’s career scoring system shows one team’s supporters scoring better incomes, a higher quality of life and more employment opportunities in this infographic entitled “Fan Face-Off XLVI.”

How To Spot A Douchebag

Let’s face it – there are guys whose very appearance can compel you to turn your head in disgust, mutter the word “douchebag” in a l0ng whisper. They might be flexing in their skin-tight t-shirt, invading women’s personal space at a bar, self-promoting, etc. This humorous infographic from Online Dating University looks at some of the tell-tale signs that one might be a douchebag.

What Impacts Teacher Salaries?

Those who choose teaching as a career are typically not in it for the money. However, there are some things that can have a positive or negative influence on teachers salaries. This infographic from PayScale takes a look at some of those factors.

Baby Milestones

Babies: when it comes to these little ones, there is so much to learn. For example, at what age do they start eating solid food? How much will baby-related products cost? This infographic is packed with useful information such as when parents can expect their baby to say “mama” or “dada, ”how much they’ll spend on babysitters and so much more.

What You May Not Know About QR Codes

You may have thought QR codes were something fairly new. However, they have been around since 1994. Check out this infographic provided by System ID – The Leader in Barcode Scanners and find out what you may not know about QR codes.

The Energy-Hungry House

In the last 50 years energy usage in an average American household has increased by nearly four times. This infographic takes a look at why there is such a big increase and where all the energy usage in households is going.

Cell Phone Radiation Facts

Did you know that about 50% of the radiation omitted from a cell phone can be absorbed into the body? Learn this and other interesting facts in this infographic found on BuzzFeed.

The Gold Tree: Where Gold Comes From

This infographic from Trustable Gold visualizes above-ground stock of gold, sources of gold broken down to continents and countries and uses of gold. Also learn about the different forms of gold investments – ranging from physical gold in the form of bullion gold to securities not backed by gold.

Dog vs Human Anatomy Facts

The human-dog relationship amounts to a very long lasting symbiosis. Dogs have acted as humans alarm systems, trackers and hunting aides, and children’s guardians as well as playmates. Humans have provided dogs with food and security. This relationship has stabilized over many years and intensified into mutual domestication. But have you ever wondered what anatomical differences exist between humans and dogs? This infographic from Pet365 will explore this question.