Mar 19, 2020 | Career Infographics
Automation is coming whether workers want it to or not, and the best line of defense against it is learning the skills that are the hardest to automate. This infographic courtesy of Grey Campus takes an in depth look into the skills that will be the most necessary to have in the future, and the professions that are at the lowest-risk of being automated.
Mar 18, 2020 | Finance & Money Infographics
This infographic focuses on various characters from the Avengers and whether they would or wouldn’t be suitable as a Guarantor on a loan. A large percentage of Guarantor Loan applicants are below the age of 35, so the guys at Solution Loans thought it would be a good way to get people to think more carefully about whether a Guarantor Loan is right for them and if they decide it is, to think carefully about who they choose as it’s not always a straight forward decision.
Mar 18, 2020 | Business Infographics
The eSIM industry is exploding, made evident in a report from March 2020 by the Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA) who oversee eSIM specification and standards. Detailing the responses of over 100 mobile phone operators to a smartphone survey, the report examined the implications of a rapid rise in eSIM connections for all eSIM stakeholders.
Mar 16, 2020 | Law and Legal Infographics
Volunteer jobs are always in demand in Australia. Criminal history check for volunteers can be mandatory if you are applying for volunteer roles in a child, aged or other vulnerable groups such as disabled. Every state or territory has its requirements. This infographic will help an applicant to determine in which state or territory children check is mandatory.
Mar 13, 2020 | Health Infographics
What does your teeth have in common with an iceberg? Or what does your mouth have in common with Streptococcus mutan? Check out this infographic that looks into the fascinating world of teeth. You’ll be able to identify tooth decay from a visible sign like yellow teeth or learn that you only see 1/3rd of your tooth, as the rest is hidden out of sight beneath your gum line.
Mar 10, 2020 | Parenting Infographics
If you are pregnant with twins, this infographic represents everything you need to know regarding your twin pregnancy. It includes the changes that your body will go through, the difference between carrying a singleton versus twin pregnancy, tips on how to manage your symptoms, and a week-by-week development of your twin blessings.
Mar 10, 2020 | Transportation Infographics
Line painting refers to any lines you see on roads, parking lots or in parkades. Both drivers and pedestrians alike rely on proper road markings to stay safe and avoid accidents. Line painting is not only important for safety, but it also plays a role in affecting businesses. Learn more about what line painting is in this infographic.
Mar 6, 2020 | Shopping Infographics
When it comes to choosing the perfect wedding ring, there are several factors that you need to consider. From wedding ring metals, profiles to wedding band finishes, everything plays an important while choosing a wedding ring. To simplify your wedding ring shopping, here is a detailed Infographic on choosing your wedding ring style.
Mar 6, 2020 | Business Infographics
Companies choose to outsource some of their business processes as it helps reduce operational costs. The outsourcing industry also created thousands of jobs to help people. In fact, a huge percent of the working class are working on various BPO companies around the world. If it has pros, it also has its fair share of cons which business owners can avoid if they take effort in choosing the right service provider. Consider your requirements and check out the following guide on how to pick the perfect partner for your business.
Mar 6, 2020 | Technology Infographics
Look at the latest mobile, tablet and wearable releases and you’ll find one thing in common: eSIM functionality. From the latest iPhone 11 to the S20 series released by Samsung, it seems all the major manufacturers are now jumping on this rapidly developing technology. But what is eSIM? How can you make use of it in your new smart phone or smart watch?