5 Ways to Engage Millennials at Work

With Millennials set to comprise 75% of the global workforce by 2025, if they aren’t engaged, what does this mean for the future of your organization? In the following infographic, NovoEd looks at 5 ways to engage Millennials at work.

Consumer Habits of Music Listening

This infographic outlines some compelling data surrounding the music industry. The data is split into two main categories: Consumer Habits and Revenues for the music industry in 2019. The first set on consumer habits comes from an IFPI report. The second set comes from RIAA’s mid-year revenues report for 2019.

Logo Trends 2020

In the following infographic, Logaster lays out their forecast of the hottest logo design trends that will impact the design industry in 2020.

Multi-Channel Marketing for IT Decision Makers

Marketing to company leaders isn’t an easy job, even for experienced marketers. Top-level executives are highly knowledgeable and well-informed prospects. One cannot easily convince them with just an ordinary approach. In this infographic, the team at BizInfor have highlighted some valuable insights on marketing to IT decision-makers.

The New and Better Way to Find the Perfect Size Bike for a Child

Wheel size is the way that bike manufacturers classify their kid bike sizes, but it’s not the only factor. It’s not even the most important factor! Wheel size gives you a very general idea of the size of a bike, but bike frame size and seat height range can vary drastically from one bike to another within the same wheel size. In this infographic, see a new and better way to find the perfect size bike for a child.

Professional Indemnity Insurance Explained

All too often, the same question is asked. What is professional indemnity insurance? Given how many professionals work in Australia, it’s benefits should be more well known. In this infographic, professional Indemnity Insurance is explained simply and easily so you can get the most out of your business insurance.

42 Iconic Wedding Dresses From the Royal and Famous

Choosing the perfect wedding dress is a big decision, especially when you’re a celebrity or a member of royalty. These gowns are talked about by people around the world, and many times impact bridal fashion trends for years to come. This infographic by Lulus rounds up 42 of the most iconic wedding dresses worn by celebrities and royalty.

Inherent Advantage of Local Realty

The home-buying process can be overwhelming and full of many challenges, but working with an experienced real estate agency in your local area can help improve the stressful situation. Before buying a home, take time to learn about the home-buying process and tips for improving your home-buying experience with this infographic from Del-co Realty Group.

Marketplace Payment Statistics

Payment processing is one of the most crucial aspects of running an eCommerce marketplace. When you’re starting an online mall like Amazon or eBay, make sure you can offer the most convenient payment methods for your customers. The CS-Cart team has put together the following infographic that takes a look at some eCommerce payment statistics.