Failure Is A Crucial Ingredient For Success

Don’t we all want to be successful? Well, wanting to be successful alone isn’t enough. There are people with the right mindset and enough willpower to try, but somehow, their plans still don’t materialize. The fact of the matter is that most individuals won’t be successful because they even don’t try. They’re just too afraid to fail. Then again, to be afraid of failure is normal.

Opioid Epidemic in Utah

The opioid epidemic has been a national story-line for the past few years. No community, including those in Utah, has been left unaffected. This infographic from Acqua Recovery Center explores some of the statistics about the opioid epidemic in the state of Utah.

55 Popular Diet Swaps to Satisfy Every Craving

It’s estimated that approximately 45 million Americans go on a diet each year and spend around $33 billion on weight-loss products. Despite all of this, just about two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese. There are countless diets out there, but it’s key to pick one that you’re able to stick with. This infographic outlines 55 of the most popular diet swaps to satisfy every craving.

The Entrepreneur’s Journey

There are a lot of myths and hype out there as to what entrepreneur deal with and experience on their way to success. In this infographic from, learn what the entrepreneur’s journey to success really looks like. [Click here for full size...

How Does Gambling Affect Us

Experts have conducted a series of studies and found that online gambling at places in moderation is beneficial for the body as it can improve your mood, relieve fatigue, increase stress resistance, and train your memory.

Industrial Accidents in Illinois and How to Prevent Them

A workplace injury ranks number three in the list of causes of deaths in the U.S. In Illinois, transportation incidents accounted for 37% of fatalities where 17% happened due to falls, slips, and trips, 14% by moving objects, 13% due to exposure to harmful substances, and 18% due to other reasons In the following infographic, look at industrial accidents in Illinois and how to prevent them.

How Much Top YouTube Stars Make Per Minute of Video

Taking a deeper look at the top 10 YouTube celebrities by their income, calculated how much these stars would be making per minute. By comparing their yearly reported income against their total duration of all of their videos for the year, they calculated out their by-minute rate, and the totals are a bit surprising and compiled in the following infographic.

The 12 Agile Principles to Help Your Project

Are you working on an agile project? Are you becoming overwhelmed and in need of some guidance to help manage your project? Why not return to the basics and use the 12 agile principles. They provide a guide to help you rekindle your agile mindset. In turn, they’ll help you to manage any challenges you may face.

The Importance of Skin Care Products

Having a skin care routine is important, but even more important is the type of skin care products you use. A basic skin care routine involves cleansing, toning, and moisturizing, and you need to have a skin care routine because it enhances your complexion and cleans...

How to Start an Overall Lifestyle Change

An overall lifestyle change is essential for getting back on track to be healthy. Having a healthy lifestyle is important because it reduces the risk of medical conditions, lowers stress levels, and leads to a longer life. In the following infographic, the team at Working Against Gravity looks at how to start an overall lifestyle change.