World Cities Ranked by Average Annual Sunshine Hours

Did you know that Yuma, Arizona is the sunniest place on earth with an average of 4,015.3 hours of sunshine each year? Or that the least sunny place is Totoró, Colombia? This infographic visualizes sunshine duration hours around the world. Sunshine duration measures the total number of sunshine hours annually, which gives a general impression of how cloudy a city is.

3 Guaranteed Ways to Prevent Your Kid’s Digital Addiction

Digital addiction is real and similar to drug and alcohol addiction. Unfortunately, children are getting addicted to digital screens as they play video games or watch videos for hours. Research shows that children who are exposed to more than an hour a day in front of digital screens, increase their suicidal thoughts by 72%, reduce their academic performance by 18% and it makes them more socially secluded.

100 Years of Men’s Workwear

In this infographic, Woodhouse Clothing explores how men’s workwear has evolved in the past 100 years and how in the 80th anniversary year since the start of the Second World War, the fashion ration affected the trends and colors at the time. Revealing fashion truths, this infographic drills down the top trends for every decade since the 1910’s.

The Beauty of Fasting

How can you handle cancer prevention? It is possible to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy? When you pause eating, you can prevent certain illnesses to occur. This will help your organs to function better. In fact, a fasting lifestyle have many benefits to human being and involves not only abstinence from food but also a spiritual fasting.

13 Celebrity Podcasts for Pop Culture Junkies

Hollywood’s biggest stars serve as both hosts and guests on podcasts, sitting down together to have conversations between two microphones. When they’re not forced to read from a script and can discuss topics openly, amazing conversations can happen. Whether you want to laugh along with your favorite comedians, or looking to take a deep introspective journey, these 13 celebrity-hosted podcasts.

ULEVs (Ultra Low Emission Vehicles) in the UK

In his first speech as Prime Minister in July 2019, Boris Johnson introduced us to his plan for – amongst other things – the United Kingdom to become ‘the home of electric vehicles’… or more specifically: ULEVs. Ultra low emission vehicles (ULEVs) is a broad term that encompasses a variety of low carbon and zero-emission vehicles. From Nissan Leafs to Teslas, more and more green cars are hitting our TV screens, billboards and motorways.

The Benefits of Leasing a Car

Did you know that the benefits of leasing a car go far beyond just driving away with a shiny new set of wheels? You can get the latest technology, a full manufacturers warranty and fixed monthly repayments to name some of the benefits. This informative infographic represents the many different benefits of leasing a car and what you should consider before taking out the lease.

Amazing Hacks To Clean Your Home Fast in 45 Minutes

Keeping the home clean is definitely not an easy task and as such, not everyone enjoys cleaning. Take advantage of following handy infographic which features quick, amazing hacks and tips that will help make cleaning much less of a time-wasting routine and also leave you with a clean, shiny home in less than an hour.