Jul 11, 2019 | Business Infographics
App development can be a difficult process that involves a lot of technical stuff, communication barriers, costs and deadline issues. To avoid these hassles, most companies prefer outsourcing the app development process to dedicated developers. In this infographic, Dot Com Infoway will guide you on the 6 steps to build a successful offshore app development team.
Jul 10, 2019 | Travel Infographics
Want some Calligraphy work by the emperor’s last nephew in China? How about some Kangaroo essence to boost libido in Australia? Or maybe you would like to get paid to be saved by a helicopter in Nepal? These and several other travel scams in Asia, 15 to be exact, are presented in the following infographic.
Jul 9, 2019 | Marketing Infographics
A lot of B2B companies have found themselves with frustratingly bad websites and outdated marketing practices. The world has changed around them, largely driven by the consumer experience and they haven’t yet caught up. This infographic features 15 B2B marketing strategies that should be on your radar.
Jul 8, 2019 | Offbeat Infographics
Some plants may look harmless, but coming into contact with them could bring your hike to an early conclusion. Be sure to watch out Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poison Sumac, and Stinging Nettle. Each of these have physical characteristics that are easy to spot, as long as you know what you are looking for. In infographic, you will learn how to identify each of these dangerous plants by their height, color, leaves and geographic location.
Jul 8, 2019 | Internet Infographics
Identity theft is a growing problem in our modern society. Children and elders are the main targets, as they are most vulnerable, but anyone can be a target of identity theft. This infographic, courtesy of VPNtesting, shows how to avoid identity theft.
Jul 8, 2019 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
If attending any music festivals this summer, you will want to make sure and stay safe. Aequitas Legal have put together the following infographic that shares accident statistics, ways to prevent and risks that festival goers should be aware of when they attend this year.
Jul 3, 2019 | Home & Garden Infographics
If you think of all of the places in your house that have the most germs, the bathroom is probably the first that comes to mind. However, there’s a good chance that you’re overlooking one of the germiest places in your house, the kitchen. These germs are spread between the cookware and appliances such as blenders, kitchen sinks, and kitchen faucets.
Jul 3, 2019 | Home & Garden Infographics
If your windows are older, drafty and inefficient, you’re probably considering a replacement. Replacing your windows will have a good return on investment in two ways. They will increase the resale value of your home and improve energy efficiency, which will result in energy cost savings over time. In the following infographic, RenovationFind.com looks at the costs to replace windows based on the type of window as well as the material itself.
Jul 2, 2019 | Environmental Infographics
Chemicals found in most sunscreens have been found to be detrimental to the long term health of coral reefs across the world. By picking the right biodegradable sunscreens, consumers can do their part in protecting the environment. This infographic provides tips on picking a sunscreen that helps to protect coral reefs.
Jul 2, 2019 | Food & Drink Infographics
The classic Big Mac is a fast food item that’s known the world over. It’s been on sale since 1967 and is now available in over 100 countries worldwide. It’s simple recipe seems easy to replicate across the globe, but in reality each country has a different take on the Big Mac. In this infographic, compare 20 of the world’s Big Macs to find out which is healthiest, biggest, highest in protein and even most expensive.