Cities With the Fastest Growing and Dropping Real Estate Values

The team at looked at data from the National Association of Realtors to see where home prices have increased and decreased the most in the past year. The study compares median home prices of single-family homes between the fourth quarter of 2021 and the fourth quarter of 2022 to determine where in the U.S. home prices are rising and falling the most.

The 16 Personality Types: An In-Depth Look

The average person believes that each individual is different and unique in their own way. While that may hold some truth to a certain extent, it’s not entirely accurate. When it comes to personality types, most people can be put into one of a few groups that describe their characteristics almost to a tee. Whether or not this will become widespread and commonly used by most employers is unknown, but it doesn’t hurt to take a look and see where you fit on the chart below.

The Cost of Leaving the Toilet Running

The most common plumbing problems experienced by people are blocked drains, leaking faucets or pipes, clogged toilets, low water pressure, and problems with their water heater. However, one issue often overlooked but one that can be costly over time, is allowing your toilet to continue to run. In this infographic, looks at the cost of leaving the toilet running.

4 Tips For Contact Lens Wearers

Here is a concise yet comprehensive guide on essential tips for maintaining optimal hygiene and care for your contact lenses. This infographic provides four practical recommendations, including proper cleaning and storage techniques, as well as important dos and don’ts for wearing contact lenses.

Your Animal Myers-Briggs Personality Type

Knowing your MBTI Personality Type can help you understand your unique traits and strengths, as well as your potential areas for growth. By discovering your Animal Type match, you can gain a deeper understanding of your personality and how you interact with the world around you. In this infographic, explore your animal Myers-Briggs personality type.

How to Choose the Perfect Hair Straightener

This infographic from Guide Achats highlights the things to look for in your search for the best flat iron. Hair straightener plates are offered in different materials and depending on your hair type, you may want to choose the right on to have better results without burning your hair.

The 30 Largest Banks Ranked by Total Assets

In terms of finance, assets are anything that a bank owns and can include cash in checking or savings accounts, securities, and loans that generate interest like mortgages and personal loans. The largest and best banks in America have trillions of dollars in assets. The team at Wyoming LLC Attorney looked at data from the Federal Reserve to visualize the 30 largest banks in the United States.