How to Stay on Top of Your Payment Plans

Paying bills on time is important because it impacts other areas of your finances including raising your credit score and saving money by not paying interest or late fees.  Maintaining a payment schedule can be easily done by taking certain actions in your daily life. In this infographic, discover everything you need to know when it comes to staying disciplined, and making your car payments on time.

How Americans Commute

American commuting statistics can certainly be disheartening, with a large majority of workers in the United States having to rely on their cars to get to work. However, in some cities, the transportation situation is much better than in others. This infographic takes a look at the top cities across America with the highest percentages of walking, biking, and public-transportation-using workers

What Factors Make Up Your Electricity Price?

The price you pay for electricity is dependent on several factors. While some of these factors are broad-reaching, affecting the entire country, others are regional in scope. The regional factors include weather and the types of fuel being used to generate the electricity. There are even elements that occur on an even more granular level.

The 100 Tallest Buildings in New York City

This infographic ranks 100 of New York City’s most iconic and largest skyscrapers from tallest to shortest. From One World Trade Center, to the Empire State Building, each building is color-coded according to the decade in which they were built. There is also a map at the bottom that shows where the majority of the buildings are located in the city.

Using Psychology to Sell Retail Products

When a sales connection is made, we think it was a conscious decision but studies show that many of them are formed by preconceived ideas and subconscious triggers. We strive for status or beauty from base instincts and this is borne out by brain scan trials that form the basis of Neuromarketing. In this infographic, discover how to use psychology to sell retail products.

How Applied Statistics Affects Our Daily Lives

Applied statistics is the application of statistics to problems across various fields. Today, applied statistics touches many things that the general public uses on a daily basis. But the field of statistics has undergone centuries of advancement – and continues to expand its impact.

The State of e-Commerce Infrastructure

The team at Webscale conducted a survey of 350+ e-commerce professionals regarding how their online storefront and site infrastructure performed during the holiday shopping season last year. Check the following they have put together infographic to learn more.

College Student Drug Use Statistics

Young adults, and specifically college students, are entering an exciting period of their lives that involves major changes. From taking care of yourself to having more responsibilities, these changes can be overwhelming. Therefore, many college students turn to prescription medications, recreational drugs, and alcohol. This infographic presents the shocking facts about college student drug abuse.

Addiction Warning Signs: What to Look For

Addiction affects millions, but many never seek help. Many try to deny their addiction or hide any signs from their loved ones. If you believe your loved one may be suffering from addiction, there are warning signs you can look out for. JC’s Recovery Center has created an infographic highlighting warning signs and how to help your loved one with an addiction.

Jewelry Polishing DIY Hacks

This infographic courtesy of Inovatec Machinery describes the 4 most common ways of jewelry polishing goldsmith methods to make silver and gold jewelry shine. These methods are easy to do and the materials are widely available. Jewelry polishing is not only a hobby but also a great skill that everyone or enthusiastic can learn.