College Student Drug Use Statistics

Young adults, and specifically college students, are entering an exciting period of their lives that involves major changes. From taking care of yourself to having more responsibilities, these changes can be overwhelming. Therefore, many college students turn to prescription medications, recreational drugs, and alcohol. This infographic presents the shocking facts about college student drug abuse.

Addiction Warning Signs: What to Look For

Addiction affects millions, but many never seek help. Many try to deny their addiction or hide any signs from their loved ones. If you believe your loved one may be suffering from addiction, there are warning signs you can look out for. JC’s Recovery Center has created an infographic highlighting warning signs and how to help your loved one with an addiction.

Jewelry Polishing DIY Hacks

This infographic courtesy of Inovatec Machinery describes the 4 most common ways of jewelry polishing goldsmith methods to make silver and gold jewelry shine. These methods are easy to do and the materials are widely available. Jewelry polishing is not only a hobby but also a great skill that everyone or enthusiastic can learn.

Make Your Nursing Resume Work For You

In the next ten years, the nursing industry is projected to grow by 15 percent, a number significantly higher than most industries. As more and more candidates enter this field, it’s crucial to build a resume that puts you ahead of the competition. This step-by-step infographic from CU’s online RN to BSN will walk you through building your nursing resume.

Taking Care Of Your Mattress

We spend a third of our lives asleep, therefore a good mattress is truly essential not only for our comfort but also our well-being. Be sure to take care of yours in the right way and check out this infographic which features some tips on taking care of your mattress.

Famous American Montessori Alumni

This infographic by Campbellsville University visually covers 8 well-known Montessori alumni, spreading awareness about successful Montessori education, as well as explaining Montessori and what it celebrates. Montessori is thought to foster creativity and independence, and these famous alumni are living proof of that.

The Basics of Dental Care

Oral health  is crucial to be healthy, which is why visiting a dentist on a regular basis is very important. This helps prevent cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer. Brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing once a day, and cleaning your tongue regularly are all important steps for maintaining good oral health. For more tips on how to maintain proper dental care, check out this infographic.

What To Do if You Found a Baby Raccoon

Raccoons, like most mammals, are excellent mothers. Baby raccoons are dependent on their mother for up to nine months, after which they will go their way. After about 12 weeks of nursing, the baby raccoons are finally old enough to follow their mother out of their nesting area. During this time, they will learn from their mother how to forage for food, and where to look. 

Dark, Milk or White: Is Chocolate Good for Health?

Ahh, the rich flavor of chocolate. It comes from the “flavonoids” in cocoa beans which are also the reason that chocolate is so healthy for your heart. Flavonoids are antioxidants that fight cell-damaging free radicals in your body. In the following infographic, look at the benefits of various types of chocolate.

A Moving Timeline for a Successful Move

Moving is stressful, and often people don’t even know where to begin. It is important to establish a checklist and prioritize the list based on urgency. Then you can create a timeline that will help you know what to do by when. Good Guys Moving & Delivery has created a moving timeline for a successful move and compiled it into the following infographic.