Navigating the Pitfalls of Payday Loans

Twelve million Americans rely on payday loans each year to manage income volatility or handle unexpected emergencies. Unfortunately, many people fall victim to predatory lenders. This infographic lists the most common pitfalls of payday loans and shows the steps consumers can take to avoid them.

Top 10 Fascinating Stats About Online Shopping

E-commerce is assumed to be one of the largest retail channels in the world that have suddenly risen in the last three years. People are now spending more time shopping online. Even E-commerce statistics say that people are now spending more money each time they shop online. CollectOffers conducted a survey with consumers worldwide and compiled the results into the following infographic.

Innovations in Kitchen Appliances Throughout History

In our homes, we surround ourselves with technology, which exists to provide comfort, make our lives easier, and help us complete tasks more productively. Out of all the rooms in our home, the kitchen has seen a steady flow of innovative technologies flow in and out over the centuries, innovations that have set the groundwork for appliances that become commonplace in most homes.

The Poorest ZIP Codes in America

This infographic uses the U.S. Census Bureau data to visualize the poorest zip codes in the entire country. A zip code in Erie, Pennsylvania is the poorest of them all, with a median income of $10,873 and a mean income of $14,780. To put that into perspective, consider that the  U.S. Department of Health and Human Services states that the federal poverty level for a family of four is $25,100 and for an individual is $12,140!

How Staff Leasing Works for Your Business

There are many benefits to outsourcing, but for employees whose job involve key business functions, outsourcing is a practice that allows them to focus on their responsibilities, without worrying about other tasks like back-office support. One of the outsourcing models that you can consider for your business is staff leasing, wherein a company outsources its human resources with the help of a Professional Employer Organization (PEO).

What Is Natural Gas?

Natural gas is one of the cleanest-burning fossil fuels. Natural gas turbines produce energy with almost 90% efficiency, and with something called ‘cogeneration’ the ‘waste’ heat can be used for either heat, or, in combination with a pre-chiller, for refrigeration. Natural gas is more disaster-resistant than electrical. Most natural gas infrastructure on private or public property is in need of periodic leak checks and maintenance.

Motorcycle Accidents: Facts You Should Know

Though motorcycles make up just 3% of vehicles on the road, motorcyclists account for 14% of fatal accidents. Motorcycle safety is a big deal. The following infographic shows just how dangerous motorcycles can be when drivers aren’t careful. It takes all of us paying attention — cars, trucks, and motorcyclists all together — to make the roads safe.

8 Iconic Road Trips Around the World

Embarking on an iconic road trip could add a few hours to your trip, but it will be well worth it. Surrounding yourself with gorgeous scenery breaks through the clutter in your mind. You may feel powerful emotions, think new thoughts, and even become more in tune with yourself. Awe-inspiring views, historic markers, and even good eats pave the way to wherever you’re going — you just have to know how to find them.

Top 10 Applications for Plastic on Boats

Thinking about buying a new boat, or just admiring your neighbors? Have you ever stopped to think about what materials go into the construction of a new boat, and why they’re used? Piedmont Plastics has put together a useful infographic to help us think about how durable, lightweight plastics are used to create today’s sea-faring vessels.