CBD Oil Benefits – The Complete Guide

CBD Oil has come under the spotlight, especially in the US, in recent times and has been touted for its many health benefits. Its association with marijuana, however, is still perceived negatively by many who ergo keep this wonderful oil at bay. In this article, Sleep Sherpa takes a closer look at some of CBD oil benefits and the science behind it.

The Wealthiest and Poorest County in Every U.S. State

Virginia is home to the country’s wealthiest county (Loudoun, VA) but also the biggest in-state wealth disparity between its wealthiest and poorest counties. This infographic takes a deep dive into the poorest and wealthiest counties in the U.S., looking closely at each state’s median income on the county level, and the data is pretty surprising.

Is Your Job Putting Your Health at Risk?

In today’s society, it’s easy to get caught up in the demands of a job and forget to take care of your physical and mental health. Unfortunately, in certain professions and companies, the health of employees is often put in jeopardy for the sake of getting work done. This infographic looks at what makes a healthy work environment and also some of the health risks commonly faced in certain professions.

Every Pizza the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ordered

Here’s a list of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ favorite pizza toppings from the classic TV show. While other characters from Garfield to Scooby-Doo have enjoyed a slice or two, these denizens of the New York City sewers are possibly the biggest fictional fanatics of New York’s favorite food. TMNT and pizza go together about as well as peanut butter and clams.

The Median Debt of Americans

Debt has become a humongous financial burden to many Americans as they are weighed down by mortgages, student loans, auto loans, and credit card debt. But just how much debt are Americans really in? This infographic breaks down the median debt of Americans based on various demographics such as their age, education level, race/ethnicity, occupation, family structure, and even their debt by net worth.

2019 Cheltenham Festival

The 2019 Cheltenham Festival is approaching rapidly. Starting Tuesday March 12th,  the festival will see an attendance of 60,000 people each day over the 4-day racing festival. This makes it one of the largest horse racing festivals in the world. If you’re attending the festival there’s a lot you need to know and plan for, especially if it’s your first time going.