Buy Online Business: Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition

Many of those who typically would be doing their own start-up have come to understand the benefits of buying an online business. It is important to look at how this trend is progressing through varying professionals, cities, and universities. Quiet Light Brokerage has created this infographic which looks at entrepreneurial activity through acquisitions of online businesses.

Road-trip Gems You Never Knew Existed

Road trips are excellent for getting out to explore new places and spending quality time with loved ones. One way to enhance your road trip experience is by visiting the hidden gems which are not quite as crowded. Reservation Counter has created a list of these more exclusive locations all over the states.

Holiday Driving Safety

With the amount of people killed and injured due to distracted driver, there is a huge need to remind drivers of the best safety measures. Whether you are traveling for the holidays, picking up your kids, or commuting to work, Colorado Law created a Driving Safety infographic to remind us how to stay safe on the road.

8 Things You Didn’t Know Your Plants Can Do

Plants have some incredible abilities that increase our joy, bring out a better quality of life and can potentially increase our life expectancy. Research from NASA has found that some household plants can remove toxic substances and clean the air around us. has created this infographic outlining the life changing benefits of having plants in your home.

Thanksgiving By The Numbers

With the average Thanksgiving meal containing a whopping 3000 calories over the traditional 2000-2500 per day, no wonder why we all hit the couch for a nap or some football. Plexus Worldwide has created this Thanksgiving themed infographic that breaks down the traditional holiday meal from consumption to calories.

Fight Against Today’s Employee Engagement Crisis

In the following infographic created by Clarizen, the opposite of employee engagement is playfully portrayed, to the theme of Netflix’s popular TV series “Stranger Things”. It reveals what happens when workers are disengaged—and what’s behind the low productivity of today’s global workforce.

Carving Up the Cost of Turkey

According to a recent study by, approximately 1.78 billion pounds of turkey are wasted at the consumer level every year in the United States. At $1.62 per pound, that’s $2.9 billion worth of uneaten turkey every year. The study highlights these numbers and other turkey statistics and has been released as an infographic along with five tips on how to save money on food preparation all year round.

6 Healthy Delicious Ways To Enjoy Pumpkin

Pumpkin is a vegetable we generally only think about but once a year – bringing with it the sweet, comforting aroma of warm pumpkin lattes, pumpkin breads and pumpkin pie. In this infographic, discover six surprising health benefits of pumpkin and five simple ways to enjoy both the flesh and the seeds.

Which City Is Right For You?

With so many great places to travel to, oftentimes it can be difficult to decide where to go on your next vacation. Cities can be as different as people’s personalities. The following infographic from CiyPass is designed to help you take the guesswork out of your next travel adventure and find out just which city is right for you.