Epic Retail Fails 2011

It’s been a rough couple of years for retail, but it’s been especially bad for some. And while it looks like there is a bright spot on the horizon in the form of slightly lower unemployment numbers and slightly higher consumer confidence numbers, we still saw some major missteps in 2011, from branding to customer service to handling the press.

The Tale Of The New Year’s Fail

If you have not yet decided what your New Year’s resolution is going to be, take a look at this new infographic. You will notice statistics of people who have failed at weight loss goals like so many of us, but this year we don’t have to fall into any of those categories. The infographic also gives positive statistics regarding those who have succeeded and how they did it.

Are You Losing Patients?

When it comes to medical care, a patient’s financial experience can greatly impact their opinion of a hospital or physician. This new infographic explores patient reactions and opinions on hospital billing practices, and the results a positive or negative experience can have.

Which are the Greatest Sports Fans in America?

Who are the best sports fans in America? It’s a good question. Wherever you live, you probably think that your city is the most passionate, has the loudest crowds, and deserve the title of America’s greatest sports fans. This infographic looks into it and displays some facts and figures that reveal who really are the craziest, most sports-demented lunatic fans in North America!

SEO Salary Guide

The demand for SEO professionals continues to rise across the country, but what markets really provide the best opportunity? The SEO Salary Guide from Onward Search offers a look at what cities have the highest volume of SEO jobs, which titles are in the highest demand, and what the earning potential is for each segment.

Is Email Dead?

With 188 billion email messages sent each day you might think email is a laggard to other social sharing platforms. We believe that email is here to stay if used the way it’s supposed to be! This infographic from VisibleGains explores the current use of email, as well as what the future may hold for it.

Is The American Dream Still Attainable?

More and more it seems that the American Dream is becoming more of a fantasy. With the economy and housing market still down in the dumps, families are moving inland so they can afford to live. The following infographic helps to break down the most efficient ways to still live the American Dream.

How Technology Changed Raising Children

There may be nothing more blissful than becoming a mom. Whether it is your first or fifth time at the rodeo, it is always an interesting and wonderful journey. These days the journey is far easier with the help of new age technology.