Trade School Vs Community College

Which is right for recent high school grads – trade school or community college? Can you earn the same as someone with a bachelor’s degree for 18% of the cost? Learn more about affordable education options within this infographic from Degree Query.

Confirmation Bias: How To Get Out Of The Echo Chamber

Feel like sharing your political views on Facebook isn’t doing any good? According to science, you’re probably right. Social media may be one of the reasons we hear fewer opposing views than we used to. Learn more about confirmation bias and the social media echo chamber in this infographic from Psych Degrees.

The Dark Side Of Crypto

While there are many potential benefits to cryptocurrency, one has to acknowledge this new form of money has gotten a bad reputation as well. There are many reasons as to why criminals are drawn to Bitcoin and other similar currencies. Even so, it remains to be seen how long this situation will remain in place. Learn more about the dark side of crypto in this infographic.

How To Tell If Your Kid Needs Glasses

Is your child having a developmental delay or does she just need glasses? In the United States, $10 billion is spent on children’s vision disorders each year Learn more about how to tell if your kid needs glasses in this infographic from Frames Direct.

The Role Of AI In Customer Experience

Customer experience is a driving force behind any company’s success or failure, but can AI really help? With the capability to not only process data, but predict insights and drive business decisions, AI will be the cornerstone in the future of customer service...

How Blockchain Can Lead To A Better You

We’re living in the age of technology breakthroughs and rapid advancement. Virtual reality, self-driving cars, robots, and artificial intelligence are no longer a dream. They are part of the new toolkit for the evolution of the human species. But can technology solve our technology-induced problems? Some think so, and that is why wellness on the blockchain is such a great concept.

Hypnosis For The Struggling Sleeper

Trouble sleeping? You’re not alone. Many people struggle to catch a good night’s rest on a regular basis. That is why many are turning to sleep hypnosis in their quest for a good night’s sleep. It turns out it is beneficial to the majority of people who have tried it. Learn more about sleep hypnosis in this infographic.

Life After AI: Will The Future Be Free?

Consider that by 2025, the number of robots in the U.S. could quadruple and that on average, 1 robot does the work of 5.6 people. Are robots going to rescue us from overwork or will they take our jobs and leave us in dystopia? Learn more about life after AI in this infographic.