College Consumers: Brand Loyal Millennials

While college students don’t have a lot of money, they are definitely still spending. Now is the time for business to build brand loyalty. Learn how brandy loyalty could mean a greater future market share from this infographic, created by El Toro. College students spend more than you might think!

Rethinking Trash To Save Lives

A simple act such as putting medical trash into a separate bin can save lives across the world. Learn more about medical supply recovery operations from this infographic that has been created by Supplies Over Seas.

Making Sense Of OpenStack

A lot of different companies are working on OpenStack, and a lot of people are influencing it. Learn more about OpenStack and how to make sense of it in this infographic.

Virtual Currencies: The Future Of Payments?

Bitcoin typically garners most of the coverage in the mass-media when it comes to virtual currency, in part because it was the first fully implemented currency of its kind. It has also become the largest virtual currency in terms of total market value. What follows are just a few of the front runners in the industry, along with data on when they were created, their market cap, some vendors accepting them, and more.

Which Countries Wine Down The Most?

Wine drinking isn’t a contest, at least not a close one. In fact, wine has been a dietary staple since the beginning of recorded human history. It may not surprise you to learn that Italy, France, and Spain produce the most wine in the world, but did you know that Vatican City is the greatest consumer per capita? Check out this infographic from the folks for facts and stats about who drinks the most wine.