Outdoor Exploration For All

Whether we are working remote or back in the office, we could all use a break. Yet over 55% of Americans don’t use all of their available paid time off. It’s time to explore the outdoors and rebalance our lives. More in the infographic below, courtesy of BookOutdoors.

Why You Hire Slow and Fire Fast

In these times of considerable uncertainty, having an effective team at work is critically important. While it is difficult to let people go, it’s great advice to hire slow and fire fast. Learn more about how this dynamic works in the infographic below, courtesy of MBA Stack.

Should You Get Cryptocurrency Insurance?

Investing in cryptocurrency and NFTs is not for the faint of heart. If you’ve made it big, it’s time to protect your investment with cryptocurrency insurance. Learn more about cryptocurrency insurance in the following infographic.

Pets in the Metaverse

It seems like you hear about the metaverse everywhere you go. What exactly is the metaverse and how can you participate? Learn more about pets in the metaverse in the infographic below, courtesy of PetNewsDaily.

What Will the Future of School Look Like?

The future of school is looking up – while much of the world is considering in-class, in-person, is the future actually online? Online communities offer a more flexible way to learn and attain skills for life. Learn more about the future of school in the infographic below, courtesy of Sora Schools.

Why Central Pharmacies Matter

COVID has been a challenging time for hospital to keep up, and hospitals rely on their pharmacies to keep things moving smoothly. Learn more about the importance of central pharmacies and how they can be as efficient as possible through pharmacy automation in the visual deep dive below, courtesy of Swisslog Healthcare.