Mar 28, 2013 | Health Infographics
At times, celebrities may give off an appearance of invincibility. We see them on the movie screens and our television sets, but the reality is they are people who hurt, struggle, and overcome difficulties just like the rest of us. Co-anchor of “Good Morning America,” Robin Roberts is evidence of illness and victory all in the public eye. This infographic presented by InsuranceQuotes highlights five lessons we can learn from her health struggles.
Mar 28, 2013 | Health Infographics
Stress in the US has increased 30 percent over the last three decades? Why is this and what is causing our stress? This infographic takes a look at how stress affects our lives and how it could be killing us.
Mar 27, 2013 | Pets & Animals Infographics
What are some things that you love about your cat, but couldn’t stand about your ex-boyfriend? The list might be longer than you realize. In this infographic, takes a look at why cats are so much better than men. And for those of you who already affirm this statement as truth, this infographic also has some helpful advice for avoiding becoming a “crazy” cat lady.
Mar 21, 2013 | Health Infographics
We are reminded all the time to wash our hands, but many wonder if it actually makes a difference. Get this: it is estimated that we have between 2 to 10 million bacteria from our fingertips to elbows. These bacteria can cause disease and other sickness such as superbugs. In this infographic, the folks at explain how superbugs are formed and how to help prevent them.
Mar 21, 2013 | Business Infographics
Recent studies have shown that 50 percent of small businesses will fail within the first year and a staggering 95 percent will close their doors before they hit their fifth year of operation. Many factors go into the success or failure of any small business. This infographic presented by explains why some businesses fail and others flourish.
Mar 20, 2013 | Health Infographics
Home Health Care organizations provide a wide range of home-based services to those unable to care for themselves without assistance. These services are being optimized now more than ever. This infographic presented by ClickSoftware provides a deeper look at home healthcare.
Mar 18, 2013 | Education Infographics
Is the government failing our schools? Check out the infographic below to learn about the government’s involvement in our school system.
Mar 18, 2013 | Political Infographics
Gun control seems to be a hot topic among Americans today, especially after the recent Sandy Hook tragedy. However, more gun control might not be the best answer. Check out this infographic presented by CriminalJusticeDegreeHub to learn more about gun control in America.
Mar 18, 2013 | Technology Infographics
Can you image using the restroom in zero gravity? It would be quite difficult. Check out this infographic presented by to learn about how plumbing in space works.
Mar 18, 2013 | Internet Infographics
America’s internet options pale in comparison to other developed countries, but why? This infographic presented by takes a look at why American Internet is lagging and what we can do to fix it.