Jan 23, 2012 | Finance & Money Infographics
Google’s revenue for the year 2011 was $37.9 billion. With most of their products being offered for free, have you ever wondered where all of that money comes from? According to this new infographic from WordStream, 96% of it came from advertising. The infographic also breaks down the top 10 industries that spent the most on Google ads in 2011.
Jan 19, 2012 | Home & Garden Infographics
Color is not as simple as it seems. According to this infographic from CertaPro Painters of Louisville, it evokes emotion and triggers your senses. With this in mind, the infographic beautifully explores colors that should and should not be used in interior decorating, as well as why certain colors are used in advertising.
Jan 18, 2012 | Career Infographics
Who said there weren’t jobs out there? Onward Healthcare’s new infographic brings to light a career that allows you to travel, make money, and help others. Travel therapy jobs are out there an according to these statistics, the people who have them love it.
Jan 11, 2012 | Technology Infographics
Just like the title says, this new infographic tells you everything you need to know about Facebook’s IPO. From past internet IPOs to Facebook’s possible valuation, this infographic leaves nothing out.
Jan 10, 2012 | Technology Infographics
We’ve all thought about things comparing apples and oranges. Let’s take it one step further and compare apples and apples. Yes, you heard right. Apples (the fruit) vs Apple (the tech company) makes for a fantastic comparative infographic.
Jan 10, 2012 | Lifestyle Infographics
This video from the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank explains how you can save the poverty-stricken from hunger. The video is a guide through the life of a fictional character, Kate, who represents the very situation in which many children find themselves when their parents lose their jobs. Even a small donation can provide many healthy meals to those in need.
Jan 6, 2012 | Technology Infographics
The Consumer Electronics Show is North America’s largest annual trade show of any kind, and next week they will be celebrating their 45th anniversary. In honor of this, the online auction site YouNeverLose.com decided to create an infographic that highlights some of the more memorable products that were launched at CES, as well as a few milestones for the show itself.
Jan 6, 2012 | Finance & Money Infographics
Ever since our economy began going down several years ago, gold has been a hot topic of discussion. Have you ever wondered how much we have and what the future looks like for it? This infographic gives us a better perspective of the logistics of gold and what is in store for us.
Jan 3, 2012 | Transportation Infographics
This new infographic from U-Pack Moving explores the moving rates and likelihood in the US. Find out where people from your state tend to move, and which states have the largest population overall.
Jan 3, 2012 | Technology Infographics
Android and iOS devices have become increasingly popular over the last few years, but have you ever wondered how secure they are? And is one more secure than the other? This infographic by Veracode explains just what you can and can’t do with your Android or iOS device, and how secure your information really is.
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