Business Infographics
The Case for Single Line Queuing
This infographic from Lavi Industries addresses common concerns over the choice of single line or multiple waiting line configurations. The graphic presents key challenges and the business case for single line queuing.
The Problem With Projects
If projects give you the willies, you’re not alone. More often than not, the project train ends up on the figurative snowbank beside the tracks. In fact, projects get derailed (pun definitely intended) mostly because of a lack of direction, resources, communication, and information.
Improve Your Customer Service
The level of customer service you provide dictates the amount of return customers you get and improves the success of your business. Regardless of the type of business you operate, you rely on your customer service team to provide exceptional service and assistance. In the infographic below, learn what to avoid when communicating with customers, and ways to improve your customer service and help desk.
Apple: The Most Valuable Company Ever
What an amazing success story Apple is! After almost filing for bankruptcy 16 years ago and Microsoft bailing them out, Apple is now the most valuable public company in history, worth nearly $637 billion. In fact, it has now surpassed Microsoft itself as the following infographic from Pronto will reveal.
Sensible Blogging Checklist for Businesses
A great content and blogging strategy can help you attract like-minded people and help you build trust and relationships with potential customers. If you’re confused about how to get started with developing a blogging strategy or how to focus your efforts, the Whole Brain Group’s Sensible Blogging Checklist will help.
Do You Know Your Company’s Dirty Little Secrets?
Mobile phones, tablets and wireless data cards are almost ubiquitous parts of a modern company’s work arsenal. Many companies though aren’t paying close attention to how their employees are using their company-issued devices, data and minutes. The following infographic looks into some of the dirty little secrets of Enterprise Mobility Management.
Businesses Urged to Evolve and Embrace Remote Working
Are you one of the privileged few people allowed to work remotely? If you are then you’ll already be well aware of the major benefits it can bring to both employers and employees. And now has revealed that nearly six out of 10 people feel that remote working is the way forward for businesses as a flexible approach to staffing has numerous advantages in the short and long term.
2012 Summer Work Trends in Small Business
To make the most of work and personal time many plan to work remotely on average 18 days this summer, according to a new Cisco WebEx survey of 500 U.S. small business owners. The infographic by Cisco shows how some will be staying in touch from beaches and National Parks for even longer.
Small Business Disaster Preparedness
This infographic creates awareness for organizations to properly plan for disaster, small business disaster recovery, and hopes helps puts the related risks into perspective.
Get Logo Design Inspiration From Logo Styles
This infographic of logo design inspirations presents distinguished logo designs based on logo styles and logotypes to inspire logo ideas for designers, all of which makes the design process more appealing.
The Case for Single Line Queuing
This infographic from Lavi Industries addresses common concerns over the choice of single line or multiple waiting line configurations. The graphic presents key challenges and the business case for single line queuing.
The Problem With Projects
If projects give you the willies, you’re not alone. More often than not, the project train ends up on the figurative snowbank beside the tracks. In fact, projects get derailed (pun definitely intended) mostly because of a lack of direction, resources, communication, and information.
Improve Your Customer Service
The level of customer service you provide dictates the amount of return customers you get and improves the success of your business. Regardless of the type of business you operate, you rely on your customer service team to provide exceptional service and assistance. In the infographic below, learn what to avoid when communicating with customers, and ways to improve your customer service and help desk.
Apple: The Most Valuable Company Ever
What an amazing success story Apple is! After almost filing for bankruptcy 16 years ago and Microsoft bailing them out, Apple is now the most valuable public company in history, worth nearly $637 billion. In fact, it has now surpassed Microsoft itself as the following infographic from Pronto will reveal.
Sensible Blogging Checklist for Businesses
A great content and blogging strategy can help you attract like-minded people and help you build trust and relationships with potential customers. If you’re confused about how to get started with developing a blogging strategy or how to focus your efforts, the Whole Brain Group’s Sensible Blogging Checklist will help.
Do You Know Your Company’s Dirty Little Secrets?
Mobile phones, tablets and wireless data cards are almost ubiquitous parts of a modern company’s work arsenal. Many companies though aren’t paying close attention to how their employees are using their company-issued devices, data and minutes. The following infographic looks into some of the dirty little secrets of Enterprise Mobility Management.
Businesses Urged to Evolve and Embrace Remote Working
Are you one of the privileged few people allowed to work remotely? If you are then you’ll already be well aware of the major benefits it can bring to both employers and employees. And now has revealed that nearly six out of 10 people feel that remote working is the way forward for businesses as a flexible approach to staffing has numerous advantages in the short and long term.
2012 Summer Work Trends in Small Business
To make the most of work and personal time many plan to work remotely on average 18 days this summer, according to a new Cisco WebEx survey of 500 U.S. small business owners. The infographic by Cisco shows how some will be staying in touch from beaches and National Parks for even longer.
Small Business Disaster Preparedness
This infographic creates awareness for organizations to properly plan for disaster, small business disaster recovery, and hopes helps puts the related risks into perspective.
Get Logo Design Inspiration From Logo Styles
This infographic of logo design inspirations presents distinguished logo designs based on logo styles and logotypes to inspire logo ideas for designers, all of which makes the design process more appealing.
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