Business Infographics

How to Choose Between an LLC and a Corporation in California

Far too often, entrepreneurs are unaware that LLCs and corporations are very different. Although virtually the same from a liability protection standpoint, they are extremely different from a tax standpoint. A lawyer and a CPA can help you evaluate the pros and cons of corporations and LLCs, but in the meantime, the following infographic from eMinutes provides some basic guidelines.

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Is Your Nonprofit Eligible for a Google for Nonprofits Google Grant?

Did you know that Google gives out free advertising dollars to non-profit organizations? Did you also know that qualifying organizations could receive $10K or as much as $40K each month from Google to use for advertising and promoting their good cause? Want to find out if your non-profit organization is eligible?

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Small Business: When It’s Time To Go Big Or Go Home

Small businesses are truly the backbone of our nation, and with over 27 million to date it is important that we know how our business needs to evolve in order to survive. The following infographic is full of information on when to sell, when to expand, and when to move on when it comes to your small business.

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How to Identify a Small Business Owner

Let’s face it – small business owners are pretty busy people, but what’s really going on in there heads? Here’s a quick snapshot of the small business owner as well as some statistics on how much small business owners work in infographic-style.

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How to Build a Dependable Workforce: Using Background Checks

In this down economy, if you are one of the lucky employers who has the ability to hire employees in this market, the advice contained within this infographic from will be a refresher on how to weed out those with less than desirable histories, and how to spot those who may be omitting or including things that just may not be truthful – and cost you a lot of money in the end.

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Is Tech Support Racist?

If you have ever had to call a tech support line, or have seen the YouTube videos, you know what this infographic from Omni Tech Support is talking about. It explores call center stereotypes and sets straight a variety of misconceptions.

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The Small Business Social Media Cheat Sheet

With one in three small businesses using social media, its no longer enough to just have a website. Small businesses must have a social media presence, too. Don’t know where to start? This cheat sheet will help you navigate the major social media sites on the web.

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Support Gets Social: Bringing Customer Support Into Social Media

Social media has become a mainstay for all things business and personal. Businesses are using it for marketing and customer engagement: consumers use it for networking, entertainment, and more. But now both groups are starting to use the platform for customer support as you will see in this infographic from Zengage, The Zendesk Blog.

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The Paperless Office: Why It Hasn’t Happened Yet

The paperless office has been deemed inevitable over the last 20 years. So why, despite these predictions, have office stubbornly stood still? Several factors contribute to the staying power of paper-based workplaces, however changing consumer attitudes suggest that offices everywhere could finally be ready to enter the “digital age.” This infographic from Nitro, Inc. explores this issue.

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Are Brands Trying To Be Good Listeners in the Digital Age?

In the age of Facebook and cloud computing, listening to customers is more important than ever. It sounds simple enough, but there are tweets, online comments, and various other channels of digital communication to pay attention to. This infographic explores how organizations have implemented listening and digital engagement to reap the benefits of web 2.0.

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