Business Infographics

How Big is the Canton Fair

How Big is the Canton Fair

The Canton Fair has been held bi-annually in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou since 1957, and in this time it has grown to phenomenal heights, following the trajectory of the Chinese economy itself. This infographic, published by China Performance Group, shows just how big the fair has grown in the time since its inception giving you an idea of how to prepare.

A Look at Small Business Hiring Intentions

A Look at Small Business Hiring Intentions

Intuit, maker of QuickBooks accounting software, presents an infographic look at the hiring intentions of small businesses in the UK. What do they intend to do when it comes to hiring employees? What is preventing them from taking on staff? What could persuade them to take on their first employee? Find out with this infographic, based on a survey of over 500 small businesses in the UK.

How Social Is B2B?

How Social Is B2B?

Social media was once considered a trend, then a time-waster. Today it is a valuable tool businesses can use to connect with customers, and we are seeing real numbers when it comes to social media marketing. This infographic shows just what this industry is doing for B2B.

Europe’s First Risk Maturity Index

Europe’s First Risk Maturity Index

This infographic summarizes new research into risk management issues in European businesses. The research is a stark reminder to SMEs about the real risks they face in terms of data protection. The infographic highlights the key facts of the study and shows that failure to perform proper risk assessment and make changes could mean the difference between a business’s ultimate success or failure.

Don’t Suck At Meetings

Don’t Suck At Meetings

The corporate world loves meetings, but are they really effective when you look at the big picture? SalesCrunch has created a new infographic that shows exactly how much money you are spending on meetings, and how you can see more results by making them shorter and more efficient.

The Evolution of Business Cards

The Evolution of Business Cards

Business cards have been a staple of business status for many years, containing varying degrees of contact information, personal details and business service information. In 2007 the US business card industry had an estimated worth of $1.2 billion with approximately 10 billion business cards being produced each year!

Are You Bi-Curious

Are You Bi-Curious

This infographic explores business intelligence and how it can save or make a company tons of money. Look at the infographic to learn how incorporating more business intelligence can help your business.

Top Scams of 2011

Top Scams of 2011

This new infographic from the Better Business Bureau takes a look at the Top 10 Scams of 2011. The scams go way beyond just financial scams to include home improvement, job, and even social media scams.

The Founder’s Dictionary: Buzzwords Every Entrepreneur Should Know

The Founder’s Dictionary: Buzzwords Every Entrepreneur Should Know

Spend some time in Silicon Valley and your ears will no doubt experience an endless barrage of startup-related buzzwords. Words like “pivot,” “hyperlocal,” and “MVP” are all used in the business vernacular, but truth be told most people don’t know what they actually mean. With that in mind, picked the brains of some of “The Valley’s” finest founders and big players to provide you with the real definitions of these mysterious words.

How to Choose Between an LLC and a Corporation in California

How to Choose Between an LLC and a Corporation in California

Far too often, entrepreneurs are unaware that LLCs and corporations are very different. Although virtually the same from a liability protection standpoint, they are extremely different from a tax standpoint. A lawyer and a CPA can help you evaluate the pros and cons of corporations and LLCs, but in the meantime, the following infographic from eMinutes provides some basic guidelines.

How Big is the Canton Fair

How Big is the Canton Fair

The Canton Fair has been held bi-annually in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou since 1957, and in this time it has grown to phenomenal heights, following the trajectory of the Chinese economy itself. This infographic, published by China Performance Group, shows just how big the fair has grown in the time since its inception giving you an idea of how to prepare.

A Look at Small Business Hiring Intentions

A Look at Small Business Hiring Intentions

Intuit, maker of QuickBooks accounting software, presents an infographic look at the hiring intentions of small businesses in the UK. What do they intend to do when it comes to hiring employees? What is preventing them from taking on staff? What could persuade them to take on their first employee? Find out with this infographic, based on a survey of over 500 small businesses in the UK.

How Social Is B2B?

How Social Is B2B?

Social media was once considered a trend, then a time-waster. Today it is a valuable tool businesses can use to connect with customers, and we are seeing real numbers when it comes to social media marketing. This infographic shows just what this industry is doing for B2B.

Europe’s First Risk Maturity Index

Europe’s First Risk Maturity Index

This infographic summarizes new research into risk management issues in European businesses. The research is a stark reminder to SMEs about the real risks they face in terms of data protection. The infographic highlights the key facts of the study and shows that failure to perform proper risk assessment and make changes could mean the difference between a business’s ultimate success or failure.

Don’t Suck At Meetings

Don’t Suck At Meetings

The corporate world loves meetings, but are they really effective when you look at the big picture? SalesCrunch has created a new infographic that shows exactly how much money you are spending on meetings, and how you can see more results by making them shorter and more efficient.

The Evolution of Business Cards

The Evolution of Business Cards

Business cards have been a staple of business status for many years, containing varying degrees of contact information, personal details and business service information. In 2007 the US business card industry had an estimated worth of $1.2 billion with approximately 10 billion business cards being produced each year!

Are You Bi-Curious

Are You Bi-Curious

This infographic explores business intelligence and how it can save or make a company tons of money. Look at the infographic to learn how incorporating more business intelligence can help your business.

Top Scams of 2011

Top Scams of 2011

This new infographic from the Better Business Bureau takes a look at the Top 10 Scams of 2011. The scams go way beyond just financial scams to include home improvement, job, and even social media scams.

The Founder’s Dictionary: Buzzwords Every Entrepreneur Should Know

The Founder’s Dictionary: Buzzwords Every Entrepreneur Should Know

Spend some time in Silicon Valley and your ears will no doubt experience an endless barrage of startup-related buzzwords. Words like “pivot,” “hyperlocal,” and “MVP” are all used in the business vernacular, but truth be told most people don’t know what they actually mean. With that in mind, picked the brains of some of “The Valley’s” finest founders and big players to provide you with the real definitions of these mysterious words.

How to Choose Between an LLC and a Corporation in California

How to Choose Between an LLC and a Corporation in California

Far too often, entrepreneurs are unaware that LLCs and corporations are very different. Although virtually the same from a liability protection standpoint, they are extremely different from a tax standpoint. A lawyer and a CPA can help you evaluate the pros and cons of corporations and LLCs, but in the meantime, the following infographic from eMinutes provides some basic guidelines.