Business Infographics
History of the Businessman
This new infographic from Business MBA takes a look back at how the businessman has evolved over time. The clever concept begins with the caveman, whose business was surviving, and leads you through the renaissance, the depression, and finally to the businessman of today.
Diffusing the Bomb: Why & How Companies Respond To Negative Social Media
When faced with an online complaint, companies to act quickly and appropriately before they lose control of the situation. There are a number of different ways a business can respond to these comments, but before doing so they need to remember that they are communicating with everyone with access to the social platform, not just one dissenter.
How Big is General Electric?
Most people no doubt recognize the GE logo on their fridge or stove and think they are an appliance company. However, General Electric is very diversified such as being involved in many other industries like oil and gas, healthcare, energy, entertainment. Not to mention that GE owns NBC? They are also involved in building the world’s first carbon neutral city – Masdar city in the United Arab Emirates. This infographic from PartSelect shows just how big GE really is.
BBB 100th Anniversary
The Better Business Bureau is celebrating their 100th anniversary by taking us on an graphical journey through the company’s history.
The State of Tablet Adoption at Work
Since the debut of Apple’s iPad in Jan. 2010, enterprises have been looking for ways to incorporate tablets into the workplace. This infographic from illustrates the explosion seen in the tablet market, the statistics on enterprise adoption and application innovations in tablet technology.
How Businesses Use Social Media
This infographic from Hiscox Insurance describes how small businesses use social media. It is clear that with 60% of small businesses using social media and 53% of adults who use social media, actually follow brands, it is vital that social media is used by small businesses to stay ahead of their competition.
Women: America’s New Job Creators
More and more American women are taking their careers into their own hands and opening small businesses. Small businesses account for more than 99 percent of employers in the U.S., and female ownership in small business increased more than 20 percent between 2002 and 2007. These and other interesting statistics on women in business from Bolt Insurance Agency.
5 Simple Steps to Create a Google+ Business Page
Google has announced the launch of Google+ Pages, which are designed specifically for businesses on Google+, as opposed to Google+ Profiles designed for individuals. It is a good idea to set up your Google+ Page as quickly as you can and its a relatively simple process. This infographic will show you the 5 steps to help you on your way.
Social Media for Small Businesses
Inbox Insight recently conducted an online survey to 500 small business owners regarding their use of Social Media within their organization. The survey looked at current use of Social Media as well as plans to use it over the coming year.
The Benefits of Payroll Software
There are two primary methods of dealing with payroll; use dedicated payroll software or completing the paperwork and other elements manually. This infographic provides a short summary of some of the common payroll related tasks that a manager would need to carry out on a typical day. It then looks at how long these tasks would take using both payroll software as well manual payroll methods.
History of the Businessman
This new infographic from Business MBA takes a look back at how the businessman has evolved over time. The clever concept begins with the caveman, whose business was surviving, and leads you through the renaissance, the depression, and finally to the businessman of today.
Diffusing the Bomb: Why & How Companies Respond To Negative Social Media
When faced with an online complaint, companies to act quickly and appropriately before they lose control of the situation. There are a number of different ways a business can respond to these comments, but before doing so they need to remember that they are communicating with everyone with access to the social platform, not just one dissenter.
How Big is General Electric?
Most people no doubt recognize the GE logo on their fridge or stove and think they are an appliance company. However, General Electric is very diversified such as being involved in many other industries like oil and gas, healthcare, energy, entertainment. Not to mention that GE owns NBC? They are also involved in building the world’s first carbon neutral city – Masdar city in the United Arab Emirates. This infographic from PartSelect shows just how big GE really is.
BBB 100th Anniversary
The Better Business Bureau is celebrating their 100th anniversary by taking us on an graphical journey through the company’s history.
The State of Tablet Adoption at Work
Since the debut of Apple’s iPad in Jan. 2010, enterprises have been looking for ways to incorporate tablets into the workplace. This infographic from illustrates the explosion seen in the tablet market, the statistics on enterprise adoption and application innovations in tablet technology.
How Businesses Use Social Media
This infographic from Hiscox Insurance describes how small businesses use social media. It is clear that with 60% of small businesses using social media and 53% of adults who use social media, actually follow brands, it is vital that social media is used by small businesses to stay ahead of their competition.
Women: America’s New Job Creators
More and more American women are taking their careers into their own hands and opening small businesses. Small businesses account for more than 99 percent of employers in the U.S., and female ownership in small business increased more than 20 percent between 2002 and 2007. These and other interesting statistics on women in business from Bolt Insurance Agency.
5 Simple Steps to Create a Google+ Business Page
Google has announced the launch of Google+ Pages, which are designed specifically for businesses on Google+, as opposed to Google+ Profiles designed for individuals. It is a good idea to set up your Google+ Page as quickly as you can and its a relatively simple process. This infographic will show you the 5 steps to help you on your way.
Social Media for Small Businesses
Inbox Insight recently conducted an online survey to 500 small business owners regarding their use of Social Media within their organization. The survey looked at current use of Social Media as well as plans to use it over the coming year.
The Benefits of Payroll Software
There are two primary methods of dealing with payroll; use dedicated payroll software or completing the paperwork and other elements manually. This infographic provides a short summary of some of the common payroll related tasks that a manager would need to carry out on a typical day. It then looks at how long these tasks would take using both payroll software as well manual payroll methods.
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