Business Infographics
How the COVID Pandemic Has Changed Operations on Constructions Sites
With the COVID pandemic being a central part of our lives now, it affects a lot of industries and the construction industry is not an exclusion. In this infographic, see how this pandemic has changed the construction sector and whether those changes are here to stay.
The Power of Mobile Messaging
Consumers want information before they show up in-person, leading Soprano to find texting the center of modern business. Have you gone virtual yet? If not, here’s how you can do so.
A Guide to Starting a Lawn Care Business
Like any business that is started from the ground up, a lawn care business takes a lot of time and preparation. Having a good business plan is essential in an industry such as lawn care. This guide from Bradley Mowers looks at these points and walk you through some of the most important steps that need to be taken in order to start a successful lawn care business.
Why Business Choose Virtual Office Over Physical Office
Advances in technology, workspace innovation, changing behavior toward remote work, and recent pandemic have encouraged businesses to work virtually. This infographic from The Virtual Office showcases the reasons why it is so popular.
Anatomy of a Work Order Management Process
The best way to ensure that certain work will get done is to describe the work that needs to be performed, assign it to someone, and place a realistic due date for its completion. In the following infographic, learn how the work order management process looks in practice.
The World’s 100 Most Valuable Brands & When They Were Founded
Did you know that the average age of the 100 most valuable brands in the world is an incredible 89.43 years, with 40 of the top brands having been founded more than 100 years ago? The information gathered from Forbes and Wikipedia and compiled into an infographic, lays out the 100 most valuable brands across the globe and what year they were founded.
The Ultimate Guide to Supply Chain Management
Managing a supply chain requires a dedicated team in every area the chain touches. This infographic, courtesy of IIM Udaipur, highlights various aspects of supply chain management.
Reopening: Your Restaurant After Covid-19
This infographic, courtesy of DLL Cleaning Services, illustrates the most important cleaning professional tips to keep in mind before reopening a restaurant during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Restaurant Recovery: Contactless Dining, Labor Optimization & the Customer Journey
Restaurants must function at 75% capacity in order to achieve profitability. With many restaurants operating at 50% capacity or less, how do they make up the remaining 25%? The three main contributing factors are contactless dining, labor optimization and changing the customer journey. Learn more about how restaurants are recovering during the COVID-19 pandemic in this infographic.
Linkedin Success Story
LinkedIn is one of the most popular networking sites across the world. The company earns a revenue of almost US$ 6.8 billion, and has 20,500 employees. It has a strong customer base in more than 200 countries. Just how did LinkedIn became the world’s biggest professional network? LinkedIn’s unique success story can be seen in this infographic.
How the COVID Pandemic Has Changed Operations on Constructions Sites
With the COVID pandemic being a central part of our lives now, it affects a lot of industries and the construction industry is not an exclusion. In this infographic, see how this pandemic has changed the construction sector and whether those changes are here to stay.
The Power of Mobile Messaging
Consumers want information before they show up in-person, leading Soprano to find texting the center of modern business. Have you gone virtual yet? If not, here’s how you can do so.
A Guide to Starting a Lawn Care Business
Like any business that is started from the ground up, a lawn care business takes a lot of time and preparation. Having a good business plan is essential in an industry such as lawn care. This guide from Bradley Mowers looks at these points and walk you through some of the most important steps that need to be taken in order to start a successful lawn care business.
Why Business Choose Virtual Office Over Physical Office
Advances in technology, workspace innovation, changing behavior toward remote work, and recent pandemic have encouraged businesses to work virtually. This infographic from The Virtual Office showcases the reasons why it is so popular.
Anatomy of a Work Order Management Process
The best way to ensure that certain work will get done is to describe the work that needs to be performed, assign it to someone, and place a realistic due date for its completion. In the following infographic, learn how the work order management process looks in practice.
The World’s 100 Most Valuable Brands & When They Were Founded
Did you know that the average age of the 100 most valuable brands in the world is an incredible 89.43 years, with 40 of the top brands having been founded more than 100 years ago? The information gathered from Forbes and Wikipedia and compiled into an infographic, lays out the 100 most valuable brands across the globe and what year they were founded.
The Ultimate Guide to Supply Chain Management
Managing a supply chain requires a dedicated team in every area the chain touches. This infographic, courtesy of IIM Udaipur, highlights various aspects of supply chain management.
Reopening: Your Restaurant After Covid-19
This infographic, courtesy of DLL Cleaning Services, illustrates the most important cleaning professional tips to keep in mind before reopening a restaurant during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Restaurant Recovery: Contactless Dining, Labor Optimization & the Customer Journey
Restaurants must function at 75% capacity in order to achieve profitability. With many restaurants operating at 50% capacity or less, how do they make up the remaining 25%? The three main contributing factors are contactless dining, labor optimization and changing the customer journey. Learn more about how restaurants are recovering during the COVID-19 pandemic in this infographic.
Linkedin Success Story
LinkedIn is one of the most popular networking sites across the world. The company earns a revenue of almost US$ 6.8 billion, and has 20,500 employees. It has a strong customer base in more than 200 countries. Just how did LinkedIn became the world’s biggest professional network? LinkedIn’s unique success story can be seen in this infographic.
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