Business Infographics
The Future of CRM in 2019: Stats & Trends
CRM plays a vital role in any company’s success. If you treat your customers well and understand their pain points quickly, there is no doubt in building a long-lasting relationship with them. Companies and brands use various CRM tools for this purpose. The following infographic looks at where these CRM tools stand in the future.
Are Chargebacks Deleterious for Your Business?
Chargebacks and e-commerce frauds are a critical problem for high-risk businesses. This infographic courtesy of appTech explains what exactly chargebacks are and how they can destroy merchants’ online store and profits.
A Guide to Social Media Customer Care
Social media is becoming the go-to portal when customers want to reach out. I know that is true for myself. One customer may post a query on your Facebook page, while another tweets you with a complaint. Either way, your reputation is at stake when consumer interaction becomes so public. How can you ensure customer satisfaction without compromising your brand?
Can AI Replace Your Manager?
Payroll managers face a 96% chance of automation in the near future ー And they’re not the only ones at risk. AI can do a lot of things, including helping out around the office. But at this point in time, can AI replace your manager? Check out this infographic from MBA Central to find out.
Why Build a Loyalty Program for Your Restaurant?
A loyalty or reward program doesn’t need an introduction as entrepreneurs are pretty familiar with this term. Some make the most out these programs while others ignore their importance for their businesses. This infographic explains why your restaurant should have a resilient, highly-converting reward or loyalty program.
Just How Massive Is Google?
We all know that Google is massive, not only as a search engine but a company. But how massive is it? It’s a closely guarded secret, but with a bit of mathematics we can get fairly close to estimating how gigantic Google is in real terms.
How Staff Leasing Works for Your Business
There are many benefits to outsourcing, but for employees whose job involve key business functions, outsourcing is a practice that allows them to focus on their responsibilities, without worrying about other tasks like back-office support. One of the outsourcing models that you can consider for your business is staff leasing, wherein a company outsources its human resources with the help of a Professional Employer Organization (PEO).
Business Life Before U.S. Presidency
We have seen 45 U.S. Presidents to date, some of which were managing their own businesses before taking office as the President of the United States. Hence it’s not a surprise how these Presidents have had some interesting things to say and show about marketing throughout American history. This infographic takes a look at the business life of some U.S. Presidents.
How to Avoid Leadership Failure
Serving in a management role has many challenges including failing to thrive as a leader. Over 90% of active management would like to receive additional training, and almost 80% of employees change jobs because they do not feel appreciated. Common leadership failures include issues with delegation, miscommunication, vanity, micromanagement, confrontation, and goals.
Relieve Hospital Emergency Room Crowding by Increasing Throughput
Hospitals can implement a number of strategies to decrease emergency department crowding and boost emergency department throughput. Here is an infographic by MDsyncnet that takes a look at the top six.
The Future of CRM in 2019: Stats & Trends
CRM plays a vital role in any company’s success. If you treat your customers well and understand their pain points quickly, there is no doubt in building a long-lasting relationship with them. Companies and brands use various CRM tools for this purpose. The following infographic looks at where these CRM tools stand in the future.
Are Chargebacks Deleterious for Your Business?
Chargebacks and e-commerce frauds are a critical problem for high-risk businesses. This infographic courtesy of appTech explains what exactly chargebacks are and how they can destroy merchants’ online store and profits.
A Guide to Social Media Customer Care
Social media is becoming the go-to portal when customers want to reach out. I know that is true for myself. One customer may post a query on your Facebook page, while another tweets you with a complaint. Either way, your reputation is at stake when consumer interaction becomes so public. How can you ensure customer satisfaction without compromising your brand?
Can AI Replace Your Manager?
Payroll managers face a 96% chance of automation in the near future ー And they’re not the only ones at risk. AI can do a lot of things, including helping out around the office. But at this point in time, can AI replace your manager? Check out this infographic from MBA Central to find out.
Why Build a Loyalty Program for Your Restaurant?
A loyalty or reward program doesn’t need an introduction as entrepreneurs are pretty familiar with this term. Some make the most out these programs while others ignore their importance for their businesses. This infographic explains why your restaurant should have a resilient, highly-converting reward or loyalty program.
Just How Massive Is Google?
We all know that Google is massive, not only as a search engine but a company. But how massive is it? It’s a closely guarded secret, but with a bit of mathematics we can get fairly close to estimating how gigantic Google is in real terms.
How Staff Leasing Works for Your Business
There are many benefits to outsourcing, but for employees whose job involve key business functions, outsourcing is a practice that allows them to focus on their responsibilities, without worrying about other tasks like back-office support. One of the outsourcing models that you can consider for your business is staff leasing, wherein a company outsources its human resources with the help of a Professional Employer Organization (PEO).
Business Life Before U.S. Presidency
We have seen 45 U.S. Presidents to date, some of which were managing their own businesses before taking office as the President of the United States. Hence it’s not a surprise how these Presidents have had some interesting things to say and show about marketing throughout American history. This infographic takes a look at the business life of some U.S. Presidents.
How to Avoid Leadership Failure
Serving in a management role has many challenges including failing to thrive as a leader. Over 90% of active management would like to receive additional training, and almost 80% of employees change jobs because they do not feel appreciated. Common leadership failures include issues with delegation, miscommunication, vanity, micromanagement, confrontation, and goals.
Relieve Hospital Emergency Room Crowding by Increasing Throughput
Hospitals can implement a number of strategies to decrease emergency department crowding and boost emergency department throughput. Here is an infographic by MDsyncnet that takes a look at the top six.
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