Business Infographics
9 Interesting Stats That Prove Anyone Can Be An Entrepreneur
Ever wanted to start your own business or be your own boss? What’s stopping you? Worried you don’t have what it takes? In this infographic, Startup Stockpile has compiled nine interesting statistics about entrepreneurs that dispel misconceptions about the “type” of people who start their own businesses.
Pallet Rack Safety Tips
Pallet racks help your warehouse be organized and efficient. However, without regular pallet rack inspections and safety training, you could be putting your employees at risk. It’s important to be aware of proper rack safety. Here are a few of the highlights in an infographic by Speedrack West.
The Construction Industry by the Numbers
The construction industry is huge and employs over 180 million people globally. Construction is everywhere, and its affect on people all across the world is grand. For more facts and statistics on the industry, check out this infographic by Knowify.
The Art And Science Of Scalability
When you start a business, chances are future growth is the furthest thing from your mind. That’s why you need to learn more about the art and science of scalability, as outlined in this infographic.
5S – The Foundation of Any Lean Program
Organizing the workplace can get overwhelming, and fast. Fortunately, the 5S methodology framework provides guidance for creating organized spaces that workers can easily navigate and maintain. 5S is a Japanese methodology that plays a critical role in Lean Manufacturing and working towards a more productive workplace.
Four Decades of Apple Products
Check out the groundbreaking technology of the biggest electronics company in the U.S. with this comprehensive list of all Apple products, compiled by The list reveals just how much Apple has changed the core of the tech industry in only four decades, bringing the abstract concept of computing from college campuses to our pockets.
Customer Support Chatbot – Statistic and Trends 2019
Chatbots have already started playing a vital role in the customer service industry and they are growing rapidly. Based on recent statistics, more than 67% of consumers worldwide used a Chatbot for customer support in the past year and estimations are that around 85% of all customer interactions will be handled without any human help by 2020.
11 InsureTech Trends to Watch in 2019
With an estimated $2 billion investment going toward new insurance technologies called "InsureTech", 2019 is going to be a disruptive year for the insurance industry. Machine Learning, AI, and automation are changing the way consumers shop for insurance and get...
Inside the Brain of a CEO
Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates — these visionary CEOs not only shore up bottom lines, but they usher in revolutions. So, what exactly is going on in their heads? How do CEOs think about the day-to-day success of their businesses, as well as the broader impact they hope to have on society?
9 Key Digital Transformation Statistics for 2018
Enterprises around the world are pushing forward with their Digital Transformation initiatives. The common understanding of what Digital Transformation actually is and how to plan, prepare and execute it successfully is continuously maturing, although various research reports still either directly state or their findings show the level of ambiguity is still high.
9 Interesting Stats That Prove Anyone Can Be An Entrepreneur
Ever wanted to start your own business or be your own boss? What’s stopping you? Worried you don’t have what it takes? In this infographic, Startup Stockpile has compiled nine interesting statistics about entrepreneurs that dispel misconceptions about the “type” of people who start their own businesses.
Pallet Rack Safety Tips
Pallet racks help your warehouse be organized and efficient. However, without regular pallet rack inspections and safety training, you could be putting your employees at risk. It’s important to be aware of proper rack safety. Here are a few of the highlights in an infographic by Speedrack West.
The Construction Industry by the Numbers
The construction industry is huge and employs over 180 million people globally. Construction is everywhere, and its affect on people all across the world is grand. For more facts and statistics on the industry, check out this infographic by Knowify.
The Art And Science Of Scalability
When you start a business, chances are future growth is the furthest thing from your mind. That’s why you need to learn more about the art and science of scalability, as outlined in this infographic.
5S – The Foundation of Any Lean Program
Organizing the workplace can get overwhelming, and fast. Fortunately, the 5S methodology framework provides guidance for creating organized spaces that workers can easily navigate and maintain. 5S is a Japanese methodology that plays a critical role in Lean Manufacturing and working towards a more productive workplace.
Four Decades of Apple Products
Check out the groundbreaking technology of the biggest electronics company in the U.S. with this comprehensive list of all Apple products, compiled by The list reveals just how much Apple has changed the core of the tech industry in only four decades, bringing the abstract concept of computing from college campuses to our pockets.
Customer Support Chatbot – Statistic and Trends 2019
Chatbots have already started playing a vital role in the customer service industry and they are growing rapidly. Based on recent statistics, more than 67% of consumers worldwide used a Chatbot for customer support in the past year and estimations are that around 85% of all customer interactions will be handled without any human help by 2020.
11 InsureTech Trends to Watch in 2019
With an estimated $2 billion investment going toward new insurance technologies called "InsureTech", 2019 is going to be a disruptive year for the insurance industry. Machine Learning, AI, and automation are changing the way consumers shop for insurance and get...
Inside the Brain of a CEO
Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates — these visionary CEOs not only shore up bottom lines, but they usher in revolutions. So, what exactly is going on in their heads? How do CEOs think about the day-to-day success of their businesses, as well as the broader impact they hope to have on society?
9 Key Digital Transformation Statistics for 2018
Enterprises around the world are pushing forward with their Digital Transformation initiatives. The common understanding of what Digital Transformation actually is and how to plan, prepare and execute it successfully is continuously maturing, although various research reports still either directly state or their findings show the level of ambiguity is still high.
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