Business Infographics
Women In Agriculture
More often than not when we hear the word farmer, we picture a ruddy man in wellington boots with a makeshift belt of baling twine. But this impression is as outdated as it is inaccurate. More and more farm workers are women, performing the crucial, though often unpaid, tasks that keep a farm running smoothly.
Make the Most of Working From Home
Did you know that 3.7 million employees, approximately 2.8% of the workforce, operate from home? In fact, since 2005, working at home among the non-self-employed population has grown by 103%. Improved technology has enabled companies to work more with telecommuters than traditional office employees.
Why Oil Prices Fluctuate
Most of us greet the news that oil has fallen to $50 a barrel with a shrug of our shoulders. It goes up, it goes down; no one dies. We fail to engage because we don’t understand what drives it either way, or how it affects us. As with all commodities, supply and demand plays a big part in its price.
Big Data Tips For Small Businesses
This graphic takes a look at some of the potential revenue small businesses can lose out on if they don’t properly harvest and use all the data that’s available to them. It also takes a look at how powerful data can be for driving a business forward.
5 Productivity Hacks to Get You Going at Work
Let’s admit it, there are down days in the office, a time when we force ourselves to work but just can’t. It’s those days where no matter how hard you try or how often you shake your head just to get answers, you still get nothing. All you’re left with is a blank stare and an empty, nagging feeling of “I’m completely wasting my time doing absolutely nothing.”
Work Boots Safety Standards
If you are planning to buy work boots or safety boots, you need to know about the ASTM label comes with the boots. It includes symbols, numbers, and letters on the labels which have specific meanings. Here is a infographic explaining ASTM label of safety boots.
The Secret To Being Assertive At Work
Want to feel confident? Want to look impressive and be noticed? If you’re joining a new organization or starting a different role at work, you’ll need to come across assertively and make the very best start. Use this simple 3 step technique and make an instant (and lasting!) impression at work.
Why ‘Planning Analog’ is Better than ‘Going Digital?’
There are two basic steps to planning: conceptualizing, and organizing your ideas. These steps determine your presentation’s core message. After all, you won’t be able to discover what points would work and what wouldn’t without careful planning. This involves in-depth research and freewriting before you can come up with the best ideas that you can focus on.
Tips That Will Increase Your Influence In Online Reviews
Everyone who owns a business has to deal at some point with both positive and negative feedback. It’s more or less understood how to react on positive reviews. But the art of responding to negative reviews is not as easy. Check out this useful infographic to find out all the specifics of responding to a different feedback.
Are You a Great Boss or a Not-So-Great Boss?
Ever notice how everyone in a workplace knows who the bad boss is—except the bad boss? If you’re supervising others, and you’re frustrated with their performance, it’s possible that the problem isn’t your team. You could be the not-so-great boss. This infographic highlights the common traits of both kinds of bosses.
Women In Agriculture
More often than not when we hear the word farmer, we picture a ruddy man in wellington boots with a makeshift belt of baling twine. But this impression is as outdated as it is inaccurate. More and more farm workers are women, performing the crucial, though often unpaid, tasks that keep a farm running smoothly.
Make the Most of Working From Home
Did you know that 3.7 million employees, approximately 2.8% of the workforce, operate from home? In fact, since 2005, working at home among the non-self-employed population has grown by 103%. Improved technology has enabled companies to work more with telecommuters than traditional office employees.
Why Oil Prices Fluctuate
Most of us greet the news that oil has fallen to $50 a barrel with a shrug of our shoulders. It goes up, it goes down; no one dies. We fail to engage because we don’t understand what drives it either way, or how it affects us. As with all commodities, supply and demand plays a big part in its price.
Big Data Tips For Small Businesses
This graphic takes a look at some of the potential revenue small businesses can lose out on if they don’t properly harvest and use all the data that’s available to them. It also takes a look at how powerful data can be for driving a business forward.
5 Productivity Hacks to Get You Going at Work
Let’s admit it, there are down days in the office, a time when we force ourselves to work but just can’t. It’s those days where no matter how hard you try or how often you shake your head just to get answers, you still get nothing. All you’re left with is a blank stare and an empty, nagging feeling of “I’m completely wasting my time doing absolutely nothing.”
Work Boots Safety Standards
If you are planning to buy work boots or safety boots, you need to know about the ASTM label comes with the boots. It includes symbols, numbers, and letters on the labels which have specific meanings. Here is a infographic explaining ASTM label of safety boots.
The Secret To Being Assertive At Work
Want to feel confident? Want to look impressive and be noticed? If you’re joining a new organization or starting a different role at work, you’ll need to come across assertively and make the very best start. Use this simple 3 step technique and make an instant (and lasting!) impression at work.
Why ‘Planning Analog’ is Better than ‘Going Digital?’
There are two basic steps to planning: conceptualizing, and organizing your ideas. These steps determine your presentation’s core message. After all, you won’t be able to discover what points would work and what wouldn’t without careful planning. This involves in-depth research and freewriting before you can come up with the best ideas that you can focus on.
Tips That Will Increase Your Influence In Online Reviews
Everyone who owns a business has to deal at some point with both positive and negative feedback. It’s more or less understood how to react on positive reviews. But the art of responding to negative reviews is not as easy. Check out this useful infographic to find out all the specifics of responding to a different feedback.
Are You a Great Boss or a Not-So-Great Boss?
Ever notice how everyone in a workplace knows who the bad boss is—except the bad boss? If you’re supervising others, and you’re frustrated with their performance, it’s possible that the problem isn’t your team. You could be the not-so-great boss. This infographic highlights the common traits of both kinds of bosses.
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