Business Infographics
Wage Theft Is A Huge Problem, Knowing How Huge Is Hard
In theory, America’s low-wage workers are protected by federal law. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, the vast majority of employees are entitled to at least the federal minimum wage and overtime pay for any and all hours worked over 40 in a week. In practice, employers routinely cheat their workers out of both. It’s called wage theft and it’s a massive problem.
Why Implement a GPS & Time Tracking Solution for Business
With the rise of mobile workforce, it is important to know why a business should implement a GPS and Time Tracking solution. Learn more about it in this infographic.
Billion Dollar Companies that Started in Garage
Every new company has to start somewhere. And who told you that to launch a new business you need a corporate office? Amazon, Apple, HP, Disney, Google all started in garages and became billion dollar corporations. In this infographic, check out the most gigantic businesses in the world that launched in someone’s garage.
100 Reasons Why WordPress Is Good For Business
If you want to grow your business with a website and have considered using Wordpress as the web site platform, here is an infographic from Jason Fox that will show you 100 reasons why Wordpress is good for business.
16 Employee Perks Your Team Wants More Than a Pay Raise
Most companies agree that people are their most valuable assets. What they fail to realize is that for today’s worker, salaries are more of a threshold than a scorecard. In fact, there are many more effective ways to keep your talent happy and engaged. But what perks really matter to employees? If salaries don’t always move the needle, what does?
Psychology Of Color In Unicorn Companies
Companies work really hard to make sure you associate them with good vibes, especially when it comes to the color of their logo. Learn more about the psychology of color from this infographic from Masters In Psychology Guide.
The Leading Causes of Workplace Injuries
The 10 causes of workplace injuries listed in this infographic make up 85% of all workplace injuries in the U.S. and cost $55.4 billion annually, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Odds are you encounter hazards that could cause some of these injuries.
It’s A Gig World Out There: Work It!
What is the gig economy anyway? From transportation, shopping, and yes, even moving, the gig economy is taking over. Enabled by technology platforms that connect freelancers to clients, it is easier than ever to be your own boss. Learn all about this emerging trend in work from this infographic from Self Storage.
The Office 1986 vs. 2016
The design of an office can increase productivity and worker satisfaction, or it can dampen and discourage it. This infographic from Avanti Systems shows that over the last thirty years, offices have changed to accommodate not only technological advances, but social ones, as well.
17 Cost Saving Ideas for Small Businesses
In recent years, the business landscape and wider economy has been uncertain so businesses are even more cautious about investing or making any financial decisions. This unique guide will offer you 17 great ways to save money.
Wage Theft Is A Huge Problem, Knowing How Huge Is Hard
In theory, America’s low-wage workers are protected by federal law. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, the vast majority of employees are entitled to at least the federal minimum wage and overtime pay for any and all hours worked over 40 in a week. In practice, employers routinely cheat their workers out of both. It’s called wage theft and it’s a massive problem.
Why Implement a GPS & Time Tracking Solution for Business
With the rise of mobile workforce, it is important to know why a business should implement a GPS and Time Tracking solution. Learn more about it in this infographic.
Billion Dollar Companies that Started in Garage
Every new company has to start somewhere. And who told you that to launch a new business you need a corporate office? Amazon, Apple, HP, Disney, Google all started in garages and became billion dollar corporations. In this infographic, check out the most gigantic businesses in the world that launched in someone’s garage.
100 Reasons Why WordPress Is Good For Business
If you want to grow your business with a website and have considered using Wordpress as the web site platform, here is an infographic from Jason Fox that will show you 100 reasons why Wordpress is good for business.
16 Employee Perks Your Team Wants More Than a Pay Raise
Most companies agree that people are their most valuable assets. What they fail to realize is that for today’s worker, salaries are more of a threshold than a scorecard. In fact, there are many more effective ways to keep your talent happy and engaged. But what perks really matter to employees? If salaries don’t always move the needle, what does?
Psychology Of Color In Unicorn Companies
Companies work really hard to make sure you associate them with good vibes, especially when it comes to the color of their logo. Learn more about the psychology of color from this infographic from Masters In Psychology Guide.
The Leading Causes of Workplace Injuries
The 10 causes of workplace injuries listed in this infographic make up 85% of all workplace injuries in the U.S. and cost $55.4 billion annually, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Odds are you encounter hazards that could cause some of these injuries.
It’s A Gig World Out There: Work It!
What is the gig economy anyway? From transportation, shopping, and yes, even moving, the gig economy is taking over. Enabled by technology platforms that connect freelancers to clients, it is easier than ever to be your own boss. Learn all about this emerging trend in work from this infographic from Self Storage.
The Office 1986 vs. 2016
The design of an office can increase productivity and worker satisfaction, or it can dampen and discourage it. This infographic from Avanti Systems shows that over the last thirty years, offices have changed to accommodate not only technological advances, but social ones, as well.
17 Cost Saving Ideas for Small Businesses
In recent years, the business landscape and wider economy has been uncertain so businesses are even more cautious about investing or making any financial decisions. This unique guide will offer you 17 great ways to save money.
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