Business Infographics

How Women Improve the Global Economy

How Women Improve the Global Economy

There’s compelling evidence that women contribute to global prosperity. Explore successes, challenges and possibilities as women “Lean In” to the global economy. Although women add economic value to technology and entrepreneurship and lead some of the world’s largest companies, challenges remain. What can be done?

Successes and Failures of Crowdfunding

Successes and Failures of Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is great for startups, but not always great for all parties involved. Check out the infographic below to learn about some of the biggest successes and failures in crowdfunding.

Five Online Startup Myths

Five Online Startup Myths

This infographic from PaymentSense will help you understand some of the most popular myths which put people off starting their business online and debunk them to help you begin to thrive online.

How To Deal With Social Media Complainers

How To Deal With Social Media Complainers

Everyone has an opinion-and when a customer is hidden behind the safety of a screen, mud can fly. No matter how hard you try to please everyone, it just won’t happen. There is, however, a simple way to identify the type of complainer you have, and an easy, clear way to deal with them. Pardot has created the following infographic that provides an outline for the five types of social media complainers and how to appease them.

The Mobile Workforce & Why You Should Care

The Mobile Workforce & Why You Should Care

Organizations are adjusting their infrastructure to support availability and productivity, regardless of where the employee is located. And this holds true for the sales force as well. This infographic illustrates the rise of the mobile worker.

5 Types of Workers at High-Risk for Workplace Violence

5 Types of Workers at High-Risk for Workplace Violence

The following infographic is based on the findings in the Workplace violence and Harassment prevention guide. It also examines Canadian employer’s legal obligation with respect to workplace violence and harassment from the perspective of occupational health and safety. The guide contains practical in-depth advice for developing policies and procedures for an effective workplace violence and harassment prevention program.

Document Restoration 101

Document Restoration 101

This infographic from Polygon illustrates several types of document restoration processes that are used to salvage water, fire and mold damaged records. Businesses should be sure to have a professional disaster restoration company on hand, as water damaged documents need to be dealt with as soon as possible for optimal results.

Entrepreneur U: Schools for Start Ups

Entrepreneur U: Schools for Start Ups

Still wondering if entrepreneurship is it for You? Check out the following infographic to find out what are the tips and tricks which includes 10 signs you might be an entrepreneur.

One CRM to Rule Them All

One CRM to Rule Them All

The CRM world is complex; with new cutting edge features being released all the time and an unlimited supply of platforms, it can be hard to keep up. The rapid pace of the industry creates great opportunity as well as great risk. What many see as a single mission with a single goal can actually be broken down into various elements in a CRM system, all of which are important in order to succeed.

The US Power Sector: Big Concerns and Big Opportunity

The US Power Sector: Big Concerns and Big Opportunity

The US Power Sector is facing a crossroads – an aging demographic and a decreasing number of graduates are shrinking the workforce dramatically. What’s next for the US Power Sector? Find out in this infographic from New Jersey Institute of Technology.

How Women Improve the Global Economy

How Women Improve the Global Economy

There’s compelling evidence that women contribute to global prosperity. Explore successes, challenges and possibilities as women “Lean In” to the global economy. Although women add economic value to technology and entrepreneurship and lead some of the world’s largest companies, challenges remain. What can be done?

Successes and Failures of Crowdfunding

Successes and Failures of Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is great for startups, but not always great for all parties involved. Check out the infographic below to learn about some of the biggest successes and failures in crowdfunding.

Five Online Startup Myths

Five Online Startup Myths

This infographic from PaymentSense will help you understand some of the most popular myths which put people off starting their business online and debunk them to help you begin to thrive online.

How To Deal With Social Media Complainers

How To Deal With Social Media Complainers

Everyone has an opinion-and when a customer is hidden behind the safety of a screen, mud can fly. No matter how hard you try to please everyone, it just won’t happen. There is, however, a simple way to identify the type of complainer you have, and an easy, clear way to deal with them. Pardot has created the following infographic that provides an outline for the five types of social media complainers and how to appease them.

The Mobile Workforce & Why You Should Care

The Mobile Workforce & Why You Should Care

Organizations are adjusting their infrastructure to support availability and productivity, regardless of where the employee is located. And this holds true for the sales force as well. This infographic illustrates the rise of the mobile worker.

5 Types of Workers at High-Risk for Workplace Violence

5 Types of Workers at High-Risk for Workplace Violence

The following infographic is based on the findings in the Workplace violence and Harassment prevention guide. It also examines Canadian employer’s legal obligation with respect to workplace violence and harassment from the perspective of occupational health and safety. The guide contains practical in-depth advice for developing policies and procedures for an effective workplace violence and harassment prevention program.

Document Restoration 101

Document Restoration 101

This infographic from Polygon illustrates several types of document restoration processes that are used to salvage water, fire and mold damaged records. Businesses should be sure to have a professional disaster restoration company on hand, as water damaged documents need to be dealt with as soon as possible for optimal results.

Entrepreneur U: Schools for Start Ups

Entrepreneur U: Schools for Start Ups

Still wondering if entrepreneurship is it for You? Check out the following infographic to find out what are the tips and tricks which includes 10 signs you might be an entrepreneur.

One CRM to Rule Them All

One CRM to Rule Them All

The CRM world is complex; with new cutting edge features being released all the time and an unlimited supply of platforms, it can be hard to keep up. The rapid pace of the industry creates great opportunity as well as great risk. What many see as a single mission with a single goal can actually be broken down into various elements in a CRM system, all of which are important in order to succeed.

The US Power Sector: Big Concerns and Big Opportunity

The US Power Sector: Big Concerns and Big Opportunity

The US Power Sector is facing a crossroads – an aging demographic and a decreasing number of graduates are shrinking the workforce dramatically. What’s next for the US Power Sector? Find out in this infographic from New Jersey Institute of Technology.