Business Infographics
Flexible Tech Businesses: From Start-Up To Household Name
Did you know that Apple started as a small garage business in a Silicon Valley basement? Like so many other companies, the brand started from scratch. In this infographic, Quid Corner looks at the history of three companies, from start-up to household name. Companies include Apple, PayPal and Amstrad.
Modular Franchises Make Fast Food Even Faster
Franchises that open their doors sooner stand to make more money and capture more market share in their first year. Modular franchise construction uses simultaneous onsite foundation work and in-factory fabrication to cut build times by up to half versus traditional building. Just look at this infographic and see how franchisees win with modular.
Flexible Working: Win-Win Situation
This infographic covers the new flexible model of working, a win-win situation for both employers and employees. It presents an easily consumable summary of key statistics on a flexible working debate between employers and employees as well as general point of view. Flexible Working: a win-win for employers and employees covers issues such as productivity, employee satisfaction and cost reduction.
Why We Won’t Wait
This infographic by Lavi Industries shares some quick tips and information to help you boost customer satisfaction and profits by decreasing wait times.
What’s In a Name? Top 5 Influential Brands of 2013
According to Jeff Bezos, founder of, “your brand is formed primarily, not by what your company says about itself, but what the company does.” Thanks to the ever-evolving wonders of technology, growing connections are constantly fostered between brands and consumers. This infographic looks at the top influential brands of 2013.
Agricultural Accidents
The agriculture industry is big business. It employs over one billion people worldwide, accounting for an incredible 35% of total global employment. With such a phenomenal number of people working in this industry, accidents are a major concern. An average of 170,000 fatal accidents involving agricultural work occur all over the world every year, 51% of the total number of fatal work accidents globally!
Inside the Mind of Startup Entrepreneurs
This infographic from not only displays what we already know (that unfortunately 75% of startups end up failing), but also offers solutions to any potential obstacle.
Business Buyers Are People Too
In the e-commerce world, the lines between B2C and B2B are blurring as retailers and brands begin serving multiple audiences online. Melissa is part of the B2B audience. She embodies the new enterprise purchaser. View this infographic to learn the facts about B2B, and how buyers like Melissa want to shop.
How Steel Changed the World
This infographic charts the progress of steel throughout the ages, summarizes steel’s integral part in the industrial revolution, the rise of steel usage in skyscrapers, steel in today’s world, sustainability and the future of steel.
History of Google Acquisitions
Many of Google’s biggest product lines and innovations have come via acquisitions. Blogger, Google+ and Android are just three examples of products that were heavily developed through mergers and acquisitions. Google looks for companies that are a strategic fit for what Google is working on both now and in the future. They also look at personalities of the founders and entrepreneurs with passion.
Flexible Tech Businesses: From Start-Up To Household Name
Did you know that Apple started as a small garage business in a Silicon Valley basement? Like so many other companies, the brand started from scratch. In this infographic, Quid Corner looks at the history of three companies, from start-up to household name. Companies include Apple, PayPal and Amstrad.
Modular Franchises Make Fast Food Even Faster
Franchises that open their doors sooner stand to make more money and capture more market share in their first year. Modular franchise construction uses simultaneous onsite foundation work and in-factory fabrication to cut build times by up to half versus traditional building. Just look at this infographic and see how franchisees win with modular.
Flexible Working: Win-Win Situation
This infographic covers the new flexible model of working, a win-win situation for both employers and employees. It presents an easily consumable summary of key statistics on a flexible working debate between employers and employees as well as general point of view. Flexible Working: a win-win for employers and employees covers issues such as productivity, employee satisfaction and cost reduction.
Why We Won’t Wait
This infographic by Lavi Industries shares some quick tips and information to help you boost customer satisfaction and profits by decreasing wait times.
What’s In a Name? Top 5 Influential Brands of 2013
According to Jeff Bezos, founder of, “your brand is formed primarily, not by what your company says about itself, but what the company does.” Thanks to the ever-evolving wonders of technology, growing connections are constantly fostered between brands and consumers. This infographic looks at the top influential brands of 2013.
Agricultural Accidents
The agriculture industry is big business. It employs over one billion people worldwide, accounting for an incredible 35% of total global employment. With such a phenomenal number of people working in this industry, accidents are a major concern. An average of 170,000 fatal accidents involving agricultural work occur all over the world every year, 51% of the total number of fatal work accidents globally!
Inside the Mind of Startup Entrepreneurs
This infographic from not only displays what we already know (that unfortunately 75% of startups end up failing), but also offers solutions to any potential obstacle.
Business Buyers Are People Too
In the e-commerce world, the lines between B2C and B2B are blurring as retailers and brands begin serving multiple audiences online. Melissa is part of the B2B audience. She embodies the new enterprise purchaser. View this infographic to learn the facts about B2B, and how buyers like Melissa want to shop.
How Steel Changed the World
This infographic charts the progress of steel throughout the ages, summarizes steel’s integral part in the industrial revolution, the rise of steel usage in skyscrapers, steel in today’s world, sustainability and the future of steel.
History of Google Acquisitions
Many of Google’s biggest product lines and innovations have come via acquisitions. Blogger, Google+ and Android are just three examples of products that were heavily developed through mergers and acquisitions. Google looks for companies that are a strategic fit for what Google is working on both now and in the future. They also look at personalities of the founders and entrepreneurs with passion.
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