Education Infographics
4 Ways an Online University Can Save You Money
Did you know that tuition is only the tip of the iceberg in the financial ordeal of getting yourself a college education? The following infographic will take you through the nitty- gritties of how you can save a ton of money by simply enrolling yourself in an online program.
Is China a Safe Place for Your Child to Study?
Are you apprehensive about sending your child to a study abroad program in China? In this infographic, you will discover why China is a safe country for your children during their study abroad or immersion program.
The College Textbook Guide
If you are wondering what’s best, an ebook or a print textbook and how to save some cash on college textbooks, this infographic is for you. Enjoy all you need to know about college textbooks, stats and facts and even a bit of history also.
Why Handwriting Helps You Learn
What you can’t change about yourself means you’re not trying hard enough. Learn how to become a better person with this infographic entitled, “Why Handwriting Helps You Learn” and created by Giraffe Childcare & Early Learning.
Thirteen Banned and Challenged Books
Here is an infographic providing information on thirteen different books that have been banned between 2000-2009 and the reasons why they were banned.
Tips for Online Students Working In Virtual Groups
Drexel University has created a resource for online learners to help students work successfully in virtual groups. While working in groups can be tough online, these helpful suggestions can ease the process. The tips in this infographic can benefit students currently enrolled in an online program as well as those considering going back to school online.
Top 5 Tips to Save for College
Saving for college? This infographic illustrates some of the finer points of college savings. Learn how to maximize your savings dollars and take advantage of available financial aid.
ROI of an MBA
Never underestimate the value of an MBA. Three out of four MBA graduates surveyed stated they could not have landed their current gig without this advanced degree. Full-time, two-year MBA graduates earn a median base salary of $90,000 per year (plus an average $10,000 bonus).
12 of the Most Misused English Words
With a countless number of words in the English language, it’s not hard or uncommon for us to mix some of them up. In fact, definitions of words have been mixed up and entirely new words have been made up as a result. Here is an infographic from that looks at the twelve most misused English words.
A Guide to Packing for University
The results are in – you can finally choose which university you’ll be heading to in September, you can relax and let the daydreams of all the fun yet to be had begin. That is, until you start to think about packing. This infographic is a guide to packing for university and features tips on what things first timers should pack into their suitcase.
4 Ways an Online University Can Save You Money
Did you know that tuition is only the tip of the iceberg in the financial ordeal of getting yourself a college education? The following infographic will take you through the nitty- gritties of how you can save a ton of money by simply enrolling yourself in an online program.
Is China a Safe Place for Your Child to Study?
Are you apprehensive about sending your child to a study abroad program in China? In this infographic, you will discover why China is a safe country for your children during their study abroad or immersion program.
The College Textbook Guide
If you are wondering what’s best, an ebook or a print textbook and how to save some cash on college textbooks, this infographic is for you. Enjoy all you need to know about college textbooks, stats and facts and even a bit of history also.
Why Handwriting Helps You Learn
What you can’t change about yourself means you’re not trying hard enough. Learn how to become a better person with this infographic entitled, “Why Handwriting Helps You Learn” and created by Giraffe Childcare & Early Learning.
Thirteen Banned and Challenged Books
Here is an infographic providing information on thirteen different books that have been banned between 2000-2009 and the reasons why they were banned.
Tips for Online Students Working In Virtual Groups
Drexel University has created a resource for online learners to help students work successfully in virtual groups. While working in groups can be tough online, these helpful suggestions can ease the process. The tips in this infographic can benefit students currently enrolled in an online program as well as those considering going back to school online.
Top 5 Tips to Save for College
Saving for college? This infographic illustrates some of the finer points of college savings. Learn how to maximize your savings dollars and take advantage of available financial aid.
ROI of an MBA
Never underestimate the value of an MBA. Three out of four MBA graduates surveyed stated they could not have landed their current gig without this advanced degree. Full-time, two-year MBA graduates earn a median base salary of $90,000 per year (plus an average $10,000 bonus).
12 of the Most Misused English Words
With a countless number of words in the English language, it’s not hard or uncommon for us to mix some of them up. In fact, definitions of words have been mixed up and entirely new words have been made up as a result. Here is an infographic from that looks at the twelve most misused English words.
A Guide to Packing for University
The results are in – you can finally choose which university you’ll be heading to in September, you can relax and let the daydreams of all the fun yet to be had begin. That is, until you start to think about packing. This infographic is a guide to packing for university and features tips on what things first timers should pack into their suitcase.
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