Education Infographics

Advantages of Online Courses

Advantages of Online Courses

Online courses are great for self-motivated individuals who want to learn new skills and advance their careers without dropping their commitment to their job and/or family. Getting education online will also save you tons of money since you’ll avoid having to pony up even a fraction of the 10-30 thousand dollars required on average for a traditional education.

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Summer Storage for Students: How College Kids Should Store Their Stuff

Next Door Storage has created a useful infographic for college students dealing with summer moving. Many college students move either back home each summer or store their stuff in the city their college is located in. This graphic helps guide college students on best practices for storing their things for the summer.

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Benefits of a Christian Education

The importance of Christian values in schools is more important than ever. Today’s world is full of temptations and half truths that are teens have to struggle with each and everyday. Here is an infographic by Help Your Teen Now that discusses the difference between a secular education and an education based on Christian values.

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Top Tricks for College

Part of getting a college education is about learning the things that aren’t in books or in lectures. In fact, much learning is done in terms of self-maturation and navigating things like time-management, friendships and relationships, health and wellness, and finances. With this school year wrapping up, summer sessions nearing, and some time to reflect before fall semester, read what other students have found helpful in this infographic.

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The Science of Higher Education

Effective teachers at all levels know that students learn differently from one another: Some learn best by hearing information, others are hands-on (or “kinesthetic”) learners, and still others are visual learners. But did you know that one of those groups makes up nearly two-thirds of the population? And do you know which teaching approach is most effective for each preferred learning style? Do you know which is your own preferred learning style?

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Gamification of Education

Gamification has tremendous potential in the education space. How can we use it to deliver truly meaningful experiences to students? This infographic from Knewton looks at this in more detail.

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What it Means to Be an Expert

Do you really know what it means to be an expert? Check out this infographic from the folks at Zintro to learn about what it takes to be an expert at something.

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