Education Infographics

Using Tax Free 529 Plans To Save For College

Saving for college is not easy, especially the case if you have more than one child.  Many families are now choosing to use 529 college savings plans with tax-free earnings, which can be used for tuition and other qualified higher education expenses. The following infographic provides more information on 529 plans and how to go about this.

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Your Teacher Was Right

Think you don’t use algebra in your everyday life? Then you must never have to decide how much gasoline to put in your car’s tank. And that frog you dissected in biology? You probably don’t work as a professional frog dissector, but you should have picked up a basic understanding of bodily systems that applies directly to your own physiology. The following infographic shows why your teacher was right.

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50 Best Books For Teachers

While teachers assign books for students to read, no one really thinks about the fact that teachers have to read as well. Often times, we assume school taught teachers all they needed to learn, and magically they just happen to stay up to date with current teaching methods. This is not the case. The following is a list of the top 50 books for teachers.

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Is An Online Education Right for You?

Online education has experienced a boom in the last several years. More and more students, young and old are enrolling in some type of online classes, and even Bill Gates thinks the future of education is distance learning.. The following infographic from Independence University looks at whether online education is right for you.

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What Happens to the Graduates You Hire?

The following infographic reveals what happens to graduates you hire and helps us to better understand why graduates are likely to stay in an organization and become future leaders. The infographic is the result of a conducted survey of 2800+ graduates who had completed psychometric tests in the past decade.

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Time Management for Students

The Time Management for Students infographic is an in-depth look at how the average college student spends their time during the week. In addition, it provides the Top 5 Time Management Tips to help students use their hours more effectively.

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The Most Social Colleges

Have you ever wondered how social your college is, or if they are social at all? Social media is a great way for colleges to stay in touch with students and faculty, and to send them updates quickly. This infographic highlights some of the most social colleges.

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Technology’s Impact on Education

From online learning to interactive whiteboards to social media, technology continues to reshape the college experience. Online social communities allow students from across the word to collaborate on projects. Learn about the technologies and innovations fostering the education of the “digital generation” in the following infographic.

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10 Ways to Use Your Business Degree in Life

A business degree can open the door to employment in numerous occupations and industries, and allow one to pursue a lifelong career. Learn about 10 ways you can make a business degree work for you in the following infographic from DeVry University.

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