Entertainment Industry Infographics
35 Most Spectacular Slots by Themes
Have you wondered where to find most up-voted slots to play for free? Free-slots-no-download.com has put together a list of 35 most appealing online slots on the web and divided them into 7 most popular categories appreciated by more than 4 thousand players.
50 Iconic Movie Character Transformations
The last 100 years of cinema has brought audiences some of the most memorable character transformations of all time. While the majority of these were created by special effects makeup masters, more modern creations were done using CGI. This graphic explores 50 of the most iconic movie characters of all time
The Magic of Music: 8 Musical Phenomena Explained
As a music lover and a musician, I think music is one of the most awesome things that we can experience in this thing called life. The joy of performing and listening to music forms a universal language that connects listeners across personal beliefs, cultures and even time. And yet despite how universal the experience of music is, there’s still a lot we don’t know about its effects on our bodies and minds.
Best UK Christmas Songs
Here is a festive infographic produced by the website Glow New Media which takes a look at some of the very best UK Christmas songs. Check out how much hit Christmas songs make in royalties such as Merry Christmas Everybody, Stay Another Day and Wonderful Christmastime.
How to Make a Blockbuster on a Budget
Nowadays, just about anyone can make a blockbuster movie. You don’t need crazy budgets or a wealthy backer, you can do it yourself with relatively little expenditure. The following guide shows you how.
Stephen King in Film
No author has seen his work made into more movies than Stephen King, with over 50 films originating from his writings. However, not every movie was a success. The following infographic looks at a few movies derived from King’s writings that experienced success and some that were not so successful.
Movies That Make You Feel Claustrophobic
Being Claustrophobic or feeling claustrophobic itself is an eerie feeling. There are certain movies that just encapsulates that discomforting feeling of being cooped up. Here is an Infographic comprising the movies that managed to generate a churn in the stomach and a bout of anxiety of being caged in restricted space.
14 Awesome Movies About the Internet and Computers
To celebrate the Internet, Viziononline have trawled through all the internet based movies that made it to the box office and have produced a list of their top 14 internet movies of all time. In the following infographic, view info about films such as Hackers, The Matrix, Live Free or Die Hard and more.
Horror Movie Villain Kill Count
There is no rhyme or reason why horror movies are so popular. But they always have been, and always will be. Probably it’s in human nature to seek for fear-made adrenalin. And when one can’t have it in a real life, they go and look for it in other places, books and movies in particular. This infographic is a collection of some of the most popular horror series, with the main villain and the number of poor victims.
The Ultimate List of Musicians Lost to Drugs
Kurt Cobain, Prince, Whitney Houston… all of these famous musicians have one thing in common: They died due to complications from drug use. This infographic from White Sands Treatment breaks down the ultimate list of musicians who’ve died from drugs by decade, with the type of drug, their band, and when they’ve died.
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