Entertainment Industry Infographics

Ferris Bueller: The 2017 Model

Ferris Bueller: The 2017 Model

It’s been over 30 years since Ferris Bueller took his day off, which may leaves you wondering, if he were to do it all over again today what would it look like? This infographic looks into his famous day off and compared it to the Chicago of today, seeing if it would be more or less fun and risky.

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The Importance of Fog in Film

The Importance of Fog in Film

Weather has been used for dramatic effect since fiction began, so much so that the term ‘pathetic fallacy’ is probably one of the main things you remember from your English Literature classes. Hands down, the most dramatic of all meteorological phenomenon is fog. It can be used to ratchet up tension, conceal terrifying creatures and even provide important characters with a suitably dramatic entrance.

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Stormtroopers & Clone Troopers of Star Wars

Stormtroopers & Clone Troopers of Star Wars

Stormtroopers – the terrifying force that makes up the armies of the The First Order. Like the Empire before them, the First Order was born from the Dark Side of the Force. Many stormtroopers and clone troopers do the bidding of evil entities without having a choice. But in the case of Finn from The Force Awakens (and the upcoming The Last Jedi sequel), he did make a choice and is now fighting for the Resistance.

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14 Best Movies Set in the Sunshine State

14 Best Movies Set in the Sunshine State

Here is a useful infographic that provides info about some of the coolest movies that were set in Florida. For each film you can learn what part of Florida it was set in, the year it was released and how it got on at the box office.

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Federation Starships & Vehicles of Star Trek

Federation Starships & Vehicles of Star Trek

For over 50 years, Star Trek has had an illustrious history both in television and in movies. One unforgettable part of the franchise, undoubtedly, is the amazing federation starships and vehicles. So, if you're going to boldly go where no man has gone before, which...

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Vinyl is Back and Here to Stay

Vinyl is Back and Here to Stay

With vinyl music almost disappearing in 1990-2010, vinyl is now on the rise again. And that does make sense as vinyl is providing a whole extra dimension to the music. The sound from a record is simply warmer and characteristic compared to other carriers. Also, searching a record and placing it on your record player is much more entertaining than hitting a playlist on Spotify.

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The Young Singer’s Guide to Vocal Warm Ups

The Young Singer’s Guide to Vocal Warm Ups

Warm ups are an important part of preparing for any exercise, whether it is a high-impact sports game or a concert. For young singers, vocal warm ups help prepare the voice for the rigors of a vocal performance. Warm ups not only stretch and exercise the muscles around the vocal cords, they also provide the singer with an opportunity to exercise proper breathing, tone, and resonance before singing begins.

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How to Choose Headphones That Suit You

How to Choose Headphones That Suit You

Having headphones is necessary nowadays but many people make a hasty decision in this regard and choose bad ones. There are so many options available and it’s difficult to research/test each of them. The following infographic looks at some simple steps to choosing headphones. It contains information about headphones types, headphones drivers, and different things to look for in headphones.

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Evolution of Catwoman

Evolution of Catwoman

June 16, 2017 marked 25th anniversary of Batman Returns, Tim Burton’s popular follow-up to 1989’s Batman. The film featured the return of Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne/Batman along with Michelle Pfeiffer as Selina Kyle/Catwoman, one of Batman’s most famous villains who has also been known as a love interest of Bruce Wayne since being introduced in the comics in 1940.

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The Voices Behind The Characters

The Voices Behind The Characters

Whether you’re watching a movie or a TV show, when it comes to animations and cartoons, more often than not, the main characters are voiced by famous actors who you’d recognize in an instant if you were to see them. When it’s only their voice being used, however, it can become a little more difficult. Sometimes, you’re able to instantly identify the actor behind a voice, but with others, you’d never in a million years have guessed who it was.

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