Entertainment Industry Infographics

The Languages Of Star Wars

The Languages Of Star Wars

Matinée Sound & Vision has put together an infographic which showcases the most common Star Wars Languages spoken in the galaxy. From Galactic Basic Standard through to Binary (Droidspeak), Ewokese, Sith Language and more, it’s surprising that many beings can communicate with each other. But the question is; without the translation skills of C-3PO and other such droids, would it be a little more difficult?

The Evolution Of Mario Kart

The Evolution Of Mario Kart

In this infographic from Select Car Leasing, discover all the characters and items used in the games as well as some trivia that many keen Mario Kart players may be surprised to discover. So, buckle up and check out ‘The Evolution Of Mario Kart’.

Eurovision Over the Past 20 Years

Eurovision Over the Past 20 Years

Some countries never win Eurovision, and some seem to win a startling amount. But who’s most likely to win this year? Discover this year’s predictions for Eurovision winners.

The Evolution of the Home Games Console

The Evolution of the Home Games Console

Here is an infographic from OnBuy.com that looks at the evolution of home games consoles. It starts off in 1972 when the Magnavox Odyssey was released and then goes all the way through to 2017 when the most powerful games console ever will be launched called Project...

Women of the Fast and the Furious

Women of the Fast and the Furious

With the new Fast and Furious movie upon us, let’s take a look at the most badass women from the franchise in an infographic by Select Car Leasing. We’ll look at what they drove, how awesome they are at street racing and what each of their defining moments were for the past 7 films as well what their actual jobs were before taking to the streets.

5 Easy Piano Tips That Will Make You Sound Better

5 Easy Piano Tips That Will Make You Sound Better

Playing piano is not that difficult. But its not that easy either. Sometimes people focus on playing so much that they forget to practice the chords and notes. As a result, they sound worse playing. One tip is to start with slow songs. Play bit by bit and then memorize the song in your heart and not to brain.

Polish Games Market and the Statistics

Back in 2015, there were wild expectations concerning the Polish gaming market. This was fueled by the previous year’s increment of 4.7% growth. The findings also highlighted that of the 24 million people in Poland, half of them were gamers. More than half of that...

Star Trek Timeline

Star Trek Timeline

Here is a handy infographic which provides the dates of when all of the different Star Trek TV shows and films were set. Discover when the Star Trek original series was set, Star Trek Next Generation was set, Star Trek The Motion Picture was set and all of the rest by reading this piece.

An Apartment Tour Through Oscar-Winning Films

An Apartment Tour Through Oscar-Winning Films

For some movies, the location was just as important as the actors. It established the framework for the story, anchored the film’s culture and set the atmosphere. Here’s a look at classic, Oscar-winning movies in which the location took center stage in an infographic by ForRent.com.

10 Tips to Make You a Better Poker Player

10 Tips to Make You a Better Poker Player

Here is a handy infographic from Deutsches Online Casino for poker enthusiasts providing 10 handy tips designed to improve the skill set of poker players of all abilities.