Entertainment Industry Infographics
Festival D’Art Pyrotechnique
Watch the sky light up with 200,000 others at the Festival D’Art Pyrotechnique at the JW Marriott Cannes Hotel. This spectacular show is held for three days in July and August at a breathtaking location right by the water. It’s an experience you won’t forget!
How Many Batteries Would it Take to Power a Lightsaber? Or the Death Star?
While watching the Star Wars movies, playing the video games or watching the cartoons, one can’t help but to notice the amount of gadgets that seems to have very small power sources. The team at Ebates took the time to work with physicists to determine the power needs of some of your favorite Star Wars tech and what it would take to power up the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance.
What is Indie Music and How Do You Define It?
In today’s music climate, three major labels control about 70% of the revenue while the rest of the labels have to scrounge in order to have a chance at being profitable. However, that scrounging is becoming easier due to Internet streaming sites. This infographic takes a look at what Indie music is and how to define it.
A Guide To Surviving Your First Anime Convention
It is normal to be nervous when going on anime convention for a first time. Luckily, you can discover some tips and tricks that will help you make that convention an unforgettable experience. Check out this infographic to get ultimate survival guide for anime conventions.
Drive Through the Movies
What makes a car chase movie great? In this infographic, TitleMax takes 5 classics and analyze them to figure out what makes them tick. That isn’t to say that these are the best, or that any one is better than another – just that they’ve all got elements of greatness in them.
Best Legal Movies Of All Time
There has been many an argument as to what is the best legal movie of all time. Adam R. Banner decided to compile all of the best movies into one infographic, ranking movies according to Oscar wins and nominations, Rotten Tomato scores, IMDB ratings, box office totals, and most prominent actors.
How Vinyl Records Made Their Comeback
What is your favorite way of listening to music? If your response is vinyl record, you will be really happy for their big comeback. Learn all about it in this infographic.
Game Of Thrones – Houses Wanting The Throne
This infographic is based on the Game Of Thrones and with season five due to start, pyramidshop.com has produced an infographic which shows all the houses that are chasing the throne of Westeros. It shows the families of each house as well and their allies and enemies and also has a review of the state of each house leading into season five.
High Cinema: Drugs in Film
For as long as cinema has existed, drugs have played a substantial role in the narratives of a wide variety of films. In this infographic from New York Film Academy, we take a look at the history of film, drug usage, and how the two interact.
The Changing World of Gaming
Here is an infographic showing how much the world of video gaming has changed with some cool gaming stats added in too, sections include facts about the gaming industry, competitive gaming and demographics.
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