Entertainment Industry Infographics

The World’s Most Iconic Toys

We all have treasured memories of our favorite childhood toy, whether it was a well-loved action figure or a mismatched collection of Lego bricks. So what are some of the most popular toys from the last century and why did these beloved toys become so popular? Look at the world’s most iconic toys in the following infographic.

First Time Spinner: A Beginner’s Guide to DJing

For years, DJs have captivated audiences all over the world. From nightclubs, to house parties, to your own bedroom, the act of DJing is something you can perform at almost anyplace, anytime. There’s just one requirement however, you’ve got have the gear, or at least access to the gear that’s going to enable you to entertain and/or express yourself.

How To Play Poker

Playing poker is not that hard, but winning is. It is not enough to have luck, you also need to have some skills. Find out what you need to do to play poker like the pros in this interesting infographic.

You Wanna Bet? Psychology Of Gambling

Gambling can be a lot of fun. The thought that our number could come up delights the pleasure centers of our brains. But for some it can turn into an addiction. Learn more about the psychology of gambling from this infographic.

Sundance 2015 By The Numbers

This infographic visualizes data about the most important film festival in the world for independent filmmakers. Key findings are that over $4.6 billion was invested in films submitted to Sundance, showing that indie films as a whole are equal to being the 8th major studio. Additionally, 80% of all feature films at Sundance will get a distribution deal of some sort, which is a drastic increase over past years and due to what we call The Great Digital Shift.

Hunger Games: All Kills And Weapons Used

In this infographic, Pyramidshop.com lists the tributes that have taken part in both Hunger games along with the district they represent, who killed them and how they died.

The Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies

It all began with the words, “In a hole in the ground there lived a Hobbit.” The Hobbit trilogy is coming to an end this year with the final film, The Battle of the Five Armies, and the folks at Shirts.com got to thinking, just how does one have a battle with five armies anyway? They explored the words of J.R.R. Tolkien himself and used them to create this battle map and companion infographic.

8 Reasons Everyone Loves To Hate ‘Storage Wars’ Villain Dave Hester

Even reality television needs a villain. Although there’s no scientific proof, it’s not a stretch to crown Dave Hester of “Storage Wars” as one of the most hated people on reality TV. In the most-hated department, he’d probably be rank right up there with a few of those reality-TV housewives.

The Rise Of Digital vs. The Vinyl Revival

The unexpected sales success of music formatting last year has been labelled ‘The Vinyl Revival’. The following infographic delves into how and why the cult following for vinyl has resurfaced in this booming digital age. Alongside this, they’ll question the popularity of digital and what this could mean for the music industry.