Entertainment Industry Infographics
Storage Units Go Hollywood
Storage facilities in the real world are fairly uneventful places where everyday individuals store their belongings – but some lucky storage units make it to Hollywood. Check out this infographic of storage units making it big.
The Ultimate Entertainment Battle: Movies vs Games
Video games are big business these days. Yet it still might be a surprise to some that major titles are earning more than some Hollywood movie blockbusters. In a head to head between these two entertainment giants, who will come out on top? Find out in this infographic from GAME.
How America is Watching TV
From age to race, this infographic shows everything you need to know about the viewing habits of Americans. It is interesting and extremely relevant for marketers and advertisers to look at the statistics and facts about how America is watching television.
50 Things Every Doctor Who Fan Should Know
The television show, “Doctor Who” has been a legend on our screens for over 50 years. Horror Channel has put together this handy guide for those who may be new to this classic Sci-Fi drama or simply those fans who wish to summarize the series.
Tips To Survive Music Festivals
Are you going to a music festival this summer? Not sure what to take with you? Take a look at this fun infographic which is filled with top tips when it comes to surviving camping at a music festival this summer.
Top 10 Darkest Characters In Film
Everyone loves a hero. But sometimes the most memorable character is the villain. Here is an infographic by the New York Film Academy highlighting 10 of the darkest characters in the history of film.
Hollywood vs Bollywood
In this infographic from Urban Asian, see how Bollywood films compare to their Hollywood competitors.
The History of Video Gaming Consoles 1972 – 2014
The video gaming market has technologically evolved over the past 42 years into what we know and love today. Its had its ups and down with several market crashes throughout the 70’s and 80’s but none the less the gaming market has survived and come out the other end giving us fond child hood memories and smash hit titles such as Sega’s Sonic the Hedgehog, Nintendo’s Mario, Microsoft’s Halo, Sony’s Gran Tourismo series and even Pokemon which are all responsible for a gaming centric generation, but do you know how we ended up where we are?
Social is Coming
What if social networks had to play the Game of Thrones? If you’re a GoT addict, Marketo has just the thing for your eyes. Warning that this infographic contains spoilers through Season 4!
The World’s Top TV Dads
The folks at Calor have put together a list of the Top TV Dads. Some may not be the perfect gentleman or family man, never the less, they’ve kept us entertained. Match your father to his TV personality.
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