Entertainment Industry Infographics

Top 10 Darkest Characters In Film

Everyone loves a hero. But sometimes the most memorable character is the villain. Here is an infographic by the New York Film Academy highlighting 10 of the darkest characters in the history of film.

Hollywood vs Bollywood

In this infographic from Urban Asian, see how Bollywood films compare to their Hollywood competitors.

The History of Video Gaming Consoles 1972 – 2014

The video gaming market has technologically evolved over the past 42 years into what we know and love today. Its had its ups and down with several market crashes throughout the 70’s and 80’s but none the less the gaming market has survived and come out the other end giving us fond child hood memories and smash hit titles such as Sega’s Sonic the Hedgehog, Nintendo’s Mario, Microsoft’s Halo, Sony’s Gran Tourismo series and even Pokemon which are all responsible for a gaming centric generation, but do you know how we ended up where we are?

Social is Coming

What if social networks had to play the Game of Thrones? If you’re a GoT addict, Marketo has just the thing for your eyes. Warning that this infographic contains spoilers through Season 4!

The World’s Top TV Dads

The folks at Calor have put together a list of the Top TV Dads. Some may not be the perfect gentleman or family man, never the less, they’ve kept us entertained. Match your father to his TV personality.

Comic Con International San Diego: All You Need to Know Guide

San Diego Comic Con is the Mecca of Geekdom. Each year thousands upon thousands of comic book, movie and pop culture enthusiasts descend on San Diego to revel in their collective geekery. From movies to TV shows to comic books to collectible action figures, Comic Con has it all. With costumed capers and celebrity sightings aplenty, what can you expect at this year’s San Diego Comic Con?

A Guide to Jazz Festivals Around the World

Louis Armstrong once said “If you have to ask what jazz is, you’ll never know.” If you are looking for jazz then look no further than this infographic. ‘And All That Jazz’ is a guide to some of the biggest, oldest and best jazz festivals around the globe! This infographic has selected eight jazz festivals that are not to be missed from your musical calendar.

10 Fastest Rollercoasters Ever Assembled

Theme parks all over the world have been constantly challenging and striving for the best thrill seeking rides. Roller coasters are one of the many standout rides all theme parks have and OverseasAttractions.com has pulled together some of the craziest, looping, jaw dropping and fastest roller coasters running today.

Boy Band Mania

Super group One Direction seem to have taken over the world. And with their three night stint in Croke Park looming on the horizon, the country readies itself for boyband mania. In this infographic, Evoke.ie takes a look at boy band mania.

Is Binge-Watching TV Costing You Sleep?

Time is a funny thing. You can try being two places at once. You can try doing a dozen different things at once. But time will never let you. So when the folks at SleepRate conducted a survey on TV binge-watching habits, they had a feeling all the multi-episode consumption was cutting into some viewers’ sleep time, but were surprised by how much.