Entertainment Industry Infographics

DJ Guide to the Hottest 7 Songs in the Hottest 7 Cities

Here is a breakdown of the hottest songs in hip-hop clubs across the country, city to city. This list was compiled by polling the influential DJs in these markets, including Los Angeles, Atlanta, New York, Chicago, D.C., San Francisco, Dallas, and Houston.

Netflix vs. Blockbuster

Netflix vs. Blockbuster

Was Netflix really the nail in the coffin that put Blockbuster out of business or was it something else? Blockbuster was hurting long before Netflix became a player. But it looks better to lose a war, than to lose from sheer incompetence. See how Netflix grew when Blockbuster was going under in this visually appealing infographic.

Game of Thrones Rich List

With season 4 of Game of Thrones just around the corner, Freedom Finance decided they wanted to work out what each of the richest characters are worth and put it on a piece of content for fans to see. The results are below.

Embracing the Sounds of Music

Music is a universal form of self-expression with the capacity to evoke some serious sentiments. From hip-hop beats that inspire a gym workout, to that Natalie Imbruglia album because it reminds you of 8th grade prom, music makes the perfect companion for all defining moments in our lives.

Ultimate Rock Battle : U.S.A vs. UK

Calling all rock fans! This is your chance to help finally put an end to the raging debate who has made the greats rock music of all time. Is it the United States of America or the United Kingdom? Find out in the following infographic.

The Fight of the Century: Amazon vs. Netflix

When it comes to video streaming, there’s two media giants at war for your viewing dollars: Amazon and Netflix. Business Management Degree has created an infographic entitled, “The Fight of the Century: Amazon vs. Netflix”, pitting these two streaming heavyweights against each other. Let’s see where this match-up takes us.

Which Disney Park is the Happiest?

Disneyland is one of the few places in the world where you can live the good old days J.D. Salinger would’ve loved you to always live, and that includes the childhood you had with Walt Disney’s Mickey and Minnie. This infographic is a guide on how you can appreciate more what Walt Disney left this world to enjoy.

Star Trek Chronology

“Star Trek” only ran for three seasons, however it had an unmatched mark on millions globally. The first series starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy as Captain James T. Kirk and Mister Spock, the original officer aboard the Enterprise. All together, Shatner and Nimoy portrayed Kirk and Spock for three seasons on the show and six movies.

The History of Role-Playing Games

The roots of the million dollar blockbuster role playing games that we play today can be traced back to the early paper, pencil and dice days played on tabletops in kitchens, living-rooms and bedrooms as far back as the 1970′s. Here is an infographic of the history of role playing games from the lowly paper and pencil origins to the current generation computer and console versions.

The Book is Not Dead!

Have no fear, the hard cover book is not dead! There has been some talk about e-books taking over, but that’s not the case. Check out the infographic below to learn more.