Entertainment Industry Infographics

Movie & Television T-Shirt Anthology

Not so much an infographic in my opinion but I thought I’d post this here simply because it is fun. It features movie characters wearing t-shirts from 55 different movies and/or television shows through out the years. Can you guess who each person is? Answers are at the bottom but don’t cheat!

40 Years of Racing Games

The following infographic charts 40 years of racing games including the Atari Space Race arcade game introduced in 1973, through to the release of Forza Motorsport 4 in 2011.

Atari: 40 Years of Fun!

I still remember the days growing up as a kid and playing Atari games such as Pong, Asteroids and one of my all-time favorites, Centipede. Being the old guy that I am now, I still favor those games over today’s virtual reality types of games. When I cam across this Atari timeline infographic at Mashable, I just had to post it here.

Living Legacy of African American Music

June is officially African-American Music Appreciation Month. In light of this, GMR teamed up with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame to produce the following infographic which showcases the contributions of some of the finest musicians in American history.

Lady Gaga’s Social Influence

Laughlin Constable uses social monitoring tools to calculate the influence of Lady Gaga. If the Twitter community were large enough, one of her tweets could reach the entire population of the world and then some. This and other interesting stats below.

The Future of Theme Parks

Theme parks date back to the 1500s. In fact, one of the first know “roller coasters” consisted of people hopping on large ice blocks and careening down snowy hills. Not a “true” roller coaster but the beginning of something that would turn into an incredibly large industry. In this infographic, learn some historical facts about theme parks as well as obtain a glimpse into what the future holds for theme parks.

What Women Want: Dating Secrets Revealed

Online dating has become a popular source for developing relationships, falling in love, and possibly living happily ever after. There are more and more people jumping into the online dating world. So to all the men out there, here is a quick guide to tell you what women prefer while online dating.

Coolest Uses of Barcode Scanners in Movies

Barcodes and barcode scanners are used just about everywhere, from the local grocery store or Home Depot to tracking millions of dollars worth of assets in business. Another place where barcodes are present is in Hollywood – that is movies. Wasp Barcode has put together an infographic featuring some of the coolest uses of barcode scanners found on the silver screen.

The Science of Star Trek

Wormholes. Warp engines. Transporters. Replicators. Certainly, much of the universe as imagined by “Star Trek” creator Gene Rodenberry is truly science fiction. But how much of it is reality – or could ever be reality? Best Computer Science Degree explores this question in the following infographic.

America’s Beach Love Affair

America’s Beach Love Affair

Get out your teeny weeny bikinis and crank up the Beach Boys! UltimateCoupons.com is throwing a beach blanket bingo party to celebrate Memorial Day. Kick off the summer with a nostalgic infographic looking back to the 1960s beach explosion.