Entertainment Industry Infographics

How DVRs Are Changing the Way We Watch TV

Do you need a way to record your favorite TV shows while you’re away from your Television? A digital video recorder (DVR) will help you solve this problem and it will definitely improve the quality of your life. DVRs have been credited with changing the way Americans watch TV and this infographic is proof of it.

10 Simple Ways to Sell More Music Online

This infographic from SongCast is a representation of proven music promotion techniques that help musicians and bands to sell music online. It also gives important statistics on the music industry, regarding music sales online, music retailers and the revenue of the industry.

Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Forget a trip around the world in 80 days, Rather, take a journey to the depths of the Earth’s core with Prof. Otto Lidenbrock in Jules Verne’s classic science-fiction novel “Journey to the Centre of the Earth” in this infographic discovered at Voyages Jules Verne.

The Cheesy World of Music Video Cliches

Do you fancy yourself a music video aficionado? See if you can recognize some of these best (and worst) pop, rap, hip-hop, country and rock music video cliches in this infographic.

Biggest Losers in Gambling

Just like Eddie Money used to sing, I’m a gamblin’ man but have you ever wondered which casino games offer the best pay outs to players? It doesn’t really matter which game you play, the casino always has the house advantage. The infographic from CasinoTop10 below takes a look at some of the more popular casino games and gives you some insight into which ones offer the best odds of winning.

What Makes Facebook Social Games So Popular?

I’m not much of a fame player at all but that very likely puts me in the minority which is evidenced in this infographic from Prism Casino. Herein lies statics on some of the most popular games and general gaming statistics that may shock you.

Did YouTube Kill Television?

Has the popularity of YouTube made television obsolete? Growth in television advertising has slowed while video streaming revenue continues to sky rocket. This infographic provides some interesting data on the growth of YouTube since its birth in 2005.

Notorious Celeb Divorces of 2011

Most celebrities do not enjoy the privacy that the rest of us do when they’re going through a divorce and as a result, we get all the gory details. Some divorces are pretty standard but 2011 had is share of insane celebrity break-ups, some of which are documented in the infographic below.

7 Reasons Nothing Leaves Las Vegas

Vacationing in Vegas is an American “rite of passage.” Last year alone the city drew 39 million families, retirees, bachelorettes and bros and there are 7 things they could all tell you about Vegas. This infographic takes a peek at Sin City’s crazy tourism industry.

Listener Driven Radio (LDR) Presents 2011 Year In Review

As we kick off 2012, a new innovator in the media industry, Listener Driven Radio (LDR), shares some highlights from 2011. LDR is reinventing radio by giving listeners control of their favorite radio stations through the web. Listeners to stations using the LDR platform can vote and control which songs play in real time, sign up for alerts when their favorite songs play, and share their favorite songs on Facebook.