Entertainment Industry Infographics

Students in Movies: Comparing Top Students and Slackers

Students in Movies: Comparing Top Students and Slackers

Movies about students may be ubiquitous, but not all on-screen students are academically inclined. From movies about smartypants students to those where college is a giant party, the team at OneClass wanted to take a closer look at some of the best and worst on-screen students. Find out who got top grades, who were the fighters, and who were classic slackers.

The 5 Fundamentals of a Modern Stage Design

The 5 Fundamentals of a Modern Stage Design

Providing an experience that can stimulate the senses while highlighting the artist’s performance can be quite difficult especially if you lack the knowledge about modern stage design. In this infographic, Red Damien discusses the essential elements in building the perfect concert stage so you can learn useful tips and tricks in preparing for your next event.

15 Hot Spots for Celebrity Sightings in New York City

15 Hot Spots for Celebrity Sightings in New York City

New York City is a city of history, glamour, fashion, business, power, action, and creativity. Since the birth of the city, it has been a mecca for television, film, Broadway, and music productions. Talented celebrities from all walks of entertainment flock to New York City to work, eat, shop, and come home. This infographic highlights 15 hot spots that are frequented by entertainers.

Capped Crusaders: 7 Legendary Cap-Wearing Film Characters

Capped Crusaders: 7 Legendary Cap-Wearing Film Characters

If you think of some of your favorite films, the first thing that comes to mind is probably the characters. The way they look, act and dress embeds itself in our minds and becomes an instant association we make with the film. Take a look at these seven iconic ‘Capped Crusaders’ the team at Flexfit has picked out from some of their favorite films.

Musicians Who Sing the Most About Cars

Musicians Who Sing the Most About Cars

Musicians have embraced the relationship between music and cars for decades, but exactly which artists sing the most about cars? To try and find out, the team at Gold Eagle analyzed 100,000 songs from the lyrics.com database. The full analysis can be seen in the infographic below.

Why America’s Casino Lovers Hit the Jackpot

Why America’s Casino Lovers Hit the Jackpot

For as long as the internet has been around, people have enjoyed the thrill and excitement of playing online games from the comfort of their own home. This infographic from Chumba Casino takes a look at the types of casino games people enjoy and why.

Top 10 Movie Serial Killers Body Count

Top 10 Movie Serial Killers Body Count

Horror genre often involves the intrusion of an evil force that can appear in different characters like ghosts, vampires, werewolves, evil clowns, vicious animals, and other unnatural phenomena or terrible human actions. Which characters from your favorite horror films do you fear the most? In this infographic, SeatUp takes a look at 10 serial killers from various horror movies.

Kitchen Designs From Famous Movie Scenes

Kitchen Designs From Famous Movie Scenes

What are the best kitchen scenes in film history? The following infographic from hipages is for film fanatics and renovation fans to enjoy. It lists the most memorable kitchen scenes and costs for remodeling your kitchen to replicate their style.

5 Tips to Plan the Best Outdoor Summer Party

5 Tips to Plan the Best Outdoor Summer Party

This summer, you may find yourself hosting a big summer party at your estate. In order to properly prepare for the event, here is an infographic that features 5 tips to plan the best outdoor summer party.