Finance & Money Infographics

Who’s Riding the Cryptocurrency Wave?

Who’s Riding the Cryptocurrency Wave?

On December 17, 2017, Bitcoin stock reached an all-time high of $20,089 per BTC. While this figure attracted people equipped with dreams of striking it rich quickly, others looked beyond its value to ponder the exciting possibilities that may exist within cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. The rapid gain also prompted response from critics, who voiced their skepticism over the implementation and security associated with anonymous payment systems.

Fundraising With Kids 101

Fundraising With Kids 101

Fundraising season is here again. It can be a hectic time for leaders, parents and kids alike, but that doesn’t stop it from being fun. Fundraising with Kids 101 provides the tools needed to have a successful fundraiser for everyone involved. Whether it’s about sales totals or class participation, having a successful fundraiser can be simple with the tips displayed below in our infographic.

Strategies to Minimize Interest Rate Hikes in Canada

Strategies to Minimize Interest Rate Hikes in Canada

While a small interest rate hike typically has a small impact on everyday budgets, repeated hikes over time can certainly add to creeping costs. To keep your monthly budgets in check, consider using these six strategies to combat rising interest rates, compiled into an infographic by Zolo.

The Best Ways to Safeguard Your Bitcoin

The Best Ways to Safeguard Your Bitcoin

Even though Bitcoin is incredibly convenient for online transactions for everything from product purchases to betting on poker, it’s also incredibly prone to scams. Take these simple measures compiled by Beat The Fish to keep your hard-earned Bitcoin in your wallet where it belongs.

What Can You Buy Instead of a Supercar?

What Can You Buy Instead of a Supercar?

One common trend with many wealthy people is the obsession with expensive supercars, regardless of their practicality or longevity. This fun infographic shows just how else you could spend the money you would use on some supercars, you may find the ideas very influential on your future spending.

Modernizing Loans: 5 Technologies and Trends Changing the Credit Industry

Modernizing Loans: 5 Technologies and Trends Changing the Credit Industry

The innovations brought about by technology are encompassing. Today, you can do many more things with greater speed and convenience using online methods.
One area that has benefited from advancing technologies is the credit industry. Now, you can take out a loan without having to visit your bank personally. You only need to charge it to your credit card or sign up with a lending platform online.

What Problems Can Billionaires Solve?

What Problems Can Billionaires Solve?

People around the planet are facing a myriad of challenges that feel almost impossible to solve. Things like rising real estate costs, the high cost of healthcare, and rapidly increasing credit card debt feel inescapable due to both the critical thinking and the collective capital needed to solve these challenges. At the same time, the very richest in our society continue to accumulate wealth at record pace.

24 Fun Bitcoin Facts & Figures That Will Make Your Head Spin

24 Fun Bitcoin Facts & Figures That Will Make Your Head Spin

You have likely heard of the most famous among the cryptocurrencies “Bitcoin”, but did you know that it was not the first cryptocurrency? The first cryptocurrency was in fact “Digicash” and was around a full ten years before the birth of Bitcoin. This infographic looks at Bitcoin and the weird and wonderful facts and figures surrounding it.

Brewster’s Billion – 12 Mind-blowingly Creative Ways to Blow a £1Billion

Brewster’s Billion – 12 Mind-blowingly Creative Ways to Blow a £1Billion

Depending on your age, you may have seen the 80’s film Brewster’s Millions in which Richard Prior is issued the challenge of spending $30 million in 30 days… so he can inherit $300 million. That doesn’t sound like too much of a challenge nowadays. And so, for a bit of fun in these hard times, the folks at Loanable have updated the model and taken a look at 12 ways to outlandishly burn through a billion pounds.

Warren Buffett: The Early Years

Warren Buffett: The Early Years

Warren Buffett is considered to be one of the greatest investor of all time by many financial experts. His journey through life is nothing short of legendary — from selling gum for profit at the age of 5, to investing in stocks for the first time at the age of 11, to his current net worth of some $84 billion at age 87. The following infographic illustrates the highlights of the early years Buffett’s life.