Finance & Money Infographics
The Quintessential Crowdfunding Guide for Nonprofits
Raise more for your nonprofit using crowdfunding. This guide includes insider tips for choosing the right platform and all the key factors you’ll want to incorporate in your next crowdfunding campaign.
The All-Inclusive Guide to Google Grants for Nonprofits
In this infographic, courtesy of ally360, discover how to use up to $10,000 a month in free advertising with Google Ad Grants to best benefit your nonprofit organization.
Entrepreneur VS Consumer Mindset
This infographic by Bengu compares the mental differences between consumers and entrepreneurs. Most people in society are addicted to consumption. Entrepreneurs cultivate a way of thinking that is aligned with optimism and success. It’s a prerequisite to succeeding in business and must be learned by aspiring entrepreneurs looking to carve their own path ahead.
How to Fix Your Credit
Buying a house and your ability to borrow a mortgage loan depends on three factors – your credit score, your debt-to-income ratio, and the stability of your work history. When any one of those factors is less than stellar, you can be disqualified or end up paying thousands of extra dollars in higher interest rates. In this infographic learn how to fix your credit.
An Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to BlockChain
As cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin gain footing in our increasingly connected world, blockchain systems are cropping up to help people keep track of their money, almost like an online bank passbook. The technology has the potential to keep democracies healthy and transparent, become the choice medium for stock market and international payment and even help us keep our online identities secure and standardized.
7 Ways How Emotions Mess Up Your Trading Results and How to Fix It
The following infographic by deals with the often neglected topic of day trading emotions. It covers the main emotions that hurt traders results and offers solutions on how to fix them.
How to Get Overfunded on Kickstarter
In this infographic, Market Inspector has collected primary data from interviews with successful founders from three different continents to present you the most common key steps to get overfunded. It is known among former founders that choosing a smaller funding goal increases chances to raise the whole amount of money.
Interest Rates Have Not Risen In UK for 10+ Years
10 years have passed since the financial crisis. During this time, UK interest rates have been squeezed ever lower by the Bank of England, until they now sit at just 0.25%. In fact, they have never risen since July 2007. This caused a waterfall of effects, with the average Brit feeling it perhaps more than many, with savings hit hard by inflation and poor rates.
How To Spot Counterfeit Money: A Visual Guide
When counterfeit money gets into the circulation, it causes the value of real money to go down. This can also cause inflation! Here is an infographic that provides simple visual cues to help you figure out whether a suspect note or coin is indeed counterfeit.
The History of BitCoin
Here is a long-form infographic detailing the history of BitCoin cryptocurrency from its inception to the present day.
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