Finance & Money Infographics
How Much Does Free Business Checking Cost?
The free business checking account that most banks offer isn’t actually free. For banks, free business checking means that you pay no monthly maintenance fees. However, banks do charge monthly maintenance. But they also provide a way to have these fees waived. This infographic takes a look at Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Citibank.
What is a Digital Wallet?
You may have heard the term “digital wallet” but aren’t sure what this means. A digital wallet is a convenient way to carry your debit or credit card information on your mobile device. Learn all about it in this infographic.
Timeline of Items You Can Buy For A Nickel
This infographic is a timeline and collection of popular items over the past 100 years that could be purchased for pennies all the way up to $10. The illustration really shows how little change in your pocket is worth in today’s world.
Your Mother Would Be Rich (If It Weren’t for YOU)!
Have you ever thought about how much your mother gave up to bring you into this world and what she gives up each day to keep you safe and comfortable? The following infographic will help you feel guilty about what your mother gives up to stay at home and take care of you.
The Freelancer’s Tax Guide for 2016
Freelancers often pay twice the amount of taxes as their corporate counterparts which causes financial hardship if you don’t prepare for this annual inevitability. So, rather than being caught off-guard every tax season, the following strategies will make filing your taxes a straightforward, successful and stress-free experience.
The US Gold Market
The US Gold Market is best known as the home of gold futures trading on the COMEX in New York. The COMEX has a literal monopoly on gold futures trading volumes worldwide, but very little physical gold is actually exchanged between COMEX trading participants, and gold inventories maintained in COMEX vaults in New York are very low. This infographic guides you through some of these need to know features of COMEX gold trading.
Inheritance Tax in the UK Explained
The following infographic by iWill Solicitors explains the basics of IHT, who is required to pay IHT, what happens in the event of being married or unmarried, and how you can legitimately reduce your IHT bill.
3 Ways Asset Protection Will Help You Guard Your Wealth
Save on your taxes while protecting your small business or personal assets from creditor claims and potential lawsuits. Here’s 3 ways that asset protection can help to keep your business running smoothly without any interruptions in an infographic by American Society For Asset Protection.
Investment Ideas You Should Try Out
Investments are always not to be taken lightly, but what if you want to invest on a budget? That's why CC Bank created this infographic along with their post regarding investments you can make with a low amount to begin with. [Click image for full size version]
Easy Ways to Eliminate Credit Card Debt
In this infographic by Community First Credit Union, discover some easy steps you can take to improve your financial future and make credit card debt a thing of the past.
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