Finance & Money Infographics

Is Cash No Longer King? – Guide to Non-Cash Payment Methods

Is Cash No Longer King? – Guide to Non-Cash Payment Methods

This infographic describes about non-cash payment methods, which have become increasingly prevalent in recent years. With Irish businesses now accepting contactless payments for transactions of up to €30, the infographic explores this and other non-cash forms of payment.

From Small Loans to Big Business

From Small Loans to Big Business

Nearly all large corporations have humble beginnings as small businesses. And for many, the road to becoming a big business was paved with financial assistance, in form of small business loans or infusions of working capital. This infographic illustrates the business financing journey that some of the nation’s largest companies have taken on their road to success.

Why You Shouldn’t Sell During A Stock Market Panic

Why You Shouldn’t Sell During A Stock Market Panic

Though a stock market dip can be a scary time for investors, history has shown us that stock market corrections are a natural part of the stock market cycle. Each bull market of the last 40 years has been accompanied by stock market corrections. Instead of panicking whenever the market starts to dip, here is how you should prepare for a stock market correction.

America’s Best (and Worst) Tippers

America’s Best (and Worst) Tippers

Thousands of employees rely on the generosity of tippers to make ends meet, which inspired a look at the tipping habits of Americans. This chart pulls dining transaction data from thousands of restaurants across the U.S. that used the Lavu iPad point of sale system in 2015.

Beyond the Bitcoin: Cryptocurrencies Explained

In this infographic, learn what cryptocurrencies are and how they work. Discover more about the different types of cryptocurrencies, what you can buy with them and many more interesting details.

What Is A Reverse Mortgage?

In this infographic from, learn the essential reverse mortgage information for seniors such as: What is a reverse mortgage loan, how does a reverse mortgage work, how do they help seniors, and are they safe?

Unlocking the Power Of Your Lease

It might sound like a prank call or even a scam – someone from some company you’ve never heard from telling you that they want to rent a portion of your land to install a cellular tower or a billboard for good money. Preliminary research, however, will show that the company is legitimate, and so is their money. This infographic looks at unlocking the power of your lease.

Can We Have a World Without Debt?

A lot of people are forced to live in a debt from day to day. Can you even imagine the world where debt isn’t an option? Find out more about it in this intriguing infographic by the folks at PayPlan.

A Look At Forex Trading

Forex, a combination of two words foreign and exchange, is simply a process in which the exchange of foreign currencies is done. Known with one more name ‘FX’, Forex has become the world’s most traded market, with a turnover of several trillions per day. This infographic takes a visual look at Forex trading.