Finance & Money Infographics

I Should Buy a Bitcoin

Have you ever heard of the tulip bubble, or even bitcoin? Check out the following infographic to learn more about alternative currency.

Big Names Who’ve Gone Bust

In this infographic, see just how costly a lucrative celebrity purchase can be. It turns out buying a theme park can put you in a spot of financial trouble! This infographic includes big names who have gone bust including Michael Jackson, Elton John and even Mike Tyson.

The Essential: Forex Year in Review 2013

The Essential: Forex Year in Review 2013 infographic from AxiTrader gives Forex traders and investors a concise summary of key data they can reference though-out the 2014 trading year.

Skewed: Income Inequality in America

Opportunity in America: It’s shrinking. Lowest 60% of earners are making less than the wealthiest 400 Americans: $1.22 trillion vs. $1.27 trillion. In the following infographic, take a look at income equality in America.

Everything You Need to Know About Bitcoins

There have been multiple attempts to create a digital alternative to flat currency ever since the invention of the Internet. Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency, is the first viable option. In this infographic, learn everything you need to know about Bitcoins

The Who’s Who of UK Banknotes

You need an infographic that can tell you about the people who made their name into the money you’re using. thinkmoney has put together just that for us.

If I Only Had a Dollar

Economist published “The Big Mac Index” a lighthearted approach to analyzing the difference between actual prices and exchange rates. Starting from this, has put together some updated stats on the cost of the Big Mac in different countries and, for comparison, what 1 US dollar can get you.

How You Should Raise Money Online With Crowdfunding

The folks at GoGetFunding have decided to do some good ol’ fashioned number crunching, looking at 12,052 projects and millions of data points within crowdfunding campaigns to see what really makes a difference when raising money with crowdfunding.

State of SEPA

SEPA is a major step towards a single integrated Euro payments market. Its aim is to allow companies, public authorities and individuals to issue and receive payments within countries of the SEPA zone, as swiftly as local payments can be processed today. This infographic shows some aspects concerning SEPA implementation in EU.