Finance & Money Infographics

Stormy Weather: Are Americans Prepared for a Rainy Day?

The start of a new year is the quintessential time to roll out a fresh financial plan. One of the more overlooked necessities of financial planning is the rainy day fund. Experts recommend you have at least six months of easily-accessible savings set aside in the case of an emergency. In this infographic, learn how Americans are doing in this department, as well as how to go about setting money aside for this important fund.

The Gold Tree: Where Gold Comes From

This infographic from Trustable Gold visualizes above-ground stock of gold, sources of gold broken down to continents and countries and uses of gold. Also learn about the different forms of gold investments – ranging from physical gold in the form of bullion gold to securities not backed by gold.

America’s Pawn Empire

In the 1950s pawnbrokers were America’s number one source of credit. Since then, the prestige of the neighborhood pawnbroker has plummeted. However, this year with the reality television series “Pawn Stars” as well as Groupon-backed, pawn shops are back and bigger than ever. This infographic looks at pawn shops in America.

Breaking Down Google’s 2011 Revenues

Google’s revenue for the year 2011 was $37.9 billion. With most of their products being offered for free, have you ever wondered where all of that money comes from? According to this new infographic from WordStream, 96% of it came from advertising. The infographic also breaks down the top 10 industries that spent the most on Google ads in 2011.

Dealing with a Holiday Spending Hangover

Do you use your credit cards like a Smart Spender or an Over Spender? Credit card debt can easily get out of control unless you’re smart about how you make purchases with your credit cards. This infographic provides tips on how to avoid debt and how to set up a budget plan for 2012.

The Ins and Outs of E-Filing Your Tax Return

The Ins and Outs of E-Filing Your Tax Return

Today marks the “official” start of the 2012 tax season as the Internal Revenue Service begins accepting electronically filed tax returns. What’s so great about e-filing? This infographic from H&R Block explores the benefits of e-filing your income tax return.

Bill Gates Is Better Than Batman

Bill Gates has accumulated a tremendous amount of wealth in his lifetime. He has also given alot of it away, for the good. His philanthropic work has helped to eradicate polio internationally as well as improve the U.S. education system, saving 5 million lives and counting. This infographic proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Bill Gates is a better super hero than Batman.

3 Key Questions About U.S. Debt

Fisher Investments presents a visual depiction of the current state of the United States debt including who owns it, and answers the questions in many investors minds – can we afford it and is there too much of it?

Debt Consolidation to Bankruptcy: Steps To Take

Have your credit cards reached their limit? Do you pay only the minimum due or less on any of your credit cards each month? The following infographic explores the answers and options to these and other questions and will help one determine that if need be, should they go the route of debt consolidation or bankruptcy.

All The World’s Gold

Ever since our economy began going down several years ago, gold has been a hot topic of discussion. Have you ever wondered how much we have and what the future looks like for it? This infographic gives us a better perspective of the logistics of gold and what is in store for us.