Finance & Money Infographics
How To Plan For The Life You Want
What are your financial goals? Those with a financial plan are 2x as likely to make progress toward their goals and the lifestyle they want. Finivi shares how to make your money work for you.
Which Countries Provide and Receive the Most Foreign Aid?
The Development Assistance Committee, made up of 30 major donors, was created to oversee and discuss issues surrounding foreign aid; specifically focusing on humanitarian aid and economic development. The following visual chart ranks these 30 donors by how much foreign aid assistance they gave in 2017.
Professional Indemnity Insurance Explained
All too often, the same question is asked. What is professional indemnity insurance? Given how many professionals work in Australia, it’s benefits should be more well known. In this infographic, professional Indemnity Insurance is explained simply and easily so you can get the most out of your business insurance.
Unscrambling the U.S. Auto Debt Explosion
Owning a car should make life much easier. But while automobiles have become a modern necessity, for others, it’s a costly amenity. This infographic shows how automotive debt has grown rapidly due to rising vehicle prices, longer loan terms and consumers increasingly opting to trade in vehicles with negative equity.
Marketplace Payment Statistics
Payment processing is one of the most crucial aspects of running an eCommerce marketplace. When you’re starting an online mall like Amazon or eBay, make sure you can offer the most convenient payment methods for your customers. The CS-Cart team has put together the following infographic that takes a look at some eCommerce payment statistics.
5 No-Fault Collection Tips for Healthcare Providers
This infographic, courtesy of Tona Law, provides some tips to help healthcare providers Increase their revenue and treat more patients by collecting on wrongfully denied No-Fault claims.
Government Spending Public-to-Private – Where the 2020 Budget Is Going to Be Spent
The proposed 2020 US budget is a massive $4.8 trillion dollar spending bill. As Congress approves the budget proposal, the flow of government funds begins. The stream of taxpayer dollars will support every sector of our infrastructure and economy. This infographic makes it easy to follow what sectors will benefit from the Federal budget in 2020.
A Historical Look at Checks
Known as one of the common ways to trade money, checks have always been a major player in the financial industry. In 352 B.C., Romans first began using checks, but the idea didn’t catch on, and in the early 1500s, people in the Netherlands began using checks as part of the international shipping and trading center in Amsterdam.
The Ultimate History of Bitcoin
In 2008, a person or group using the name Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper on bitcoin and in 2009 Nakamoto mined the first bitcoin. To this day the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto remains a mystery because several groups and people claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, but none have been satisfactory enough to be viewed as conclusive. Through this infographic let’s visualize the amazing journey of Bitcoin.
How To Buy Gold Bars and Coins Safely Online
In the following infographic, learn how to buy gold bullion online, including tips and tricks on how to safely buy gold bars and coins online. From ensuring you only hold physical bullion, to storing your gold bars and coins nearby in case of an emergency, this quick guide has got you covered.
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