Food & Drink Infographics

The Final End of the Cork vs Screw Cap Debate?

One of the most heated debates in the wine industry is on which is the best closure type. In order to find out more on this discussion, Wine Turtle surveyed 114 wine buyers in the US to determine where this preference on the natural cork comes from, and what drives the adversity to the screw cap.

10 Super-Foods That Burn Belly Fat

Eat these foods to melt belly fat and avoid your mid-portion from popping out. These super-foods listed in this infographic will get you well on your way to enjoying a bikini body.

10 Most Effective Fat Burning Foods

While fruits and veggies are always a good place to start, the folks at Fitness Republic sneaked a peep in other aisles of the supermarket that can help you whittle your middle.

Herb Guide to Vegetarian Cooking

Cooking vegetarian food can be a challenge, especially if you don’t experiment with different recipes. Luckily, there is a way you can add more flavor and color to your everyday dishes. Check out this herb guide to cooking vegetarian in this great infographic and enjoy new tastes in your kitchen.

The Ultimate Guide to Slow Cookers

Cooking is supposed to be fun and this infographic is the ultimate guide to slow cookers to help us get back there. Using just a crockpot you can become a master chef while saving money, having fun and cleaning less.

Supplements vs. Whole Foods: What Does the Difference Look Like

Have you ever wondered what are the differences between supplements and whole foods in terms of health benefits? This infographic looks at the differences between the two and offers an insight into the food equivalents of certain supplements such as iron, zinc and more. It also provides helpful information on taking supplements.

Keeping Food Safe from Farm to Fork

In the American economy, food production represents a significant chunk. In 2011, pork sales alone accounted for $97 billion and contributed $34.5 billion to the U.S. Gross National Product. To protect the products from this valuable industry, food handlers use environmental controls that regulate humidity. Humidity is important at all phases, from livestock comfort and productivity to safe processing to effective warehousing. Too much humidity can cause livestock discomfort, promote food borne illness, and cause food to lose shelf life and quality.

What Food Looks Like Around the World

This infographic provides an interesting insight into some of the most popular cuisines in the world, from French food to Mexican food and more. Find out what are the key cooking ingredients of each, the most popular dishes and the top cooking techniques.

Ultimate Prague Brewery Guide

From an relatively unknown destination to now one of the most visited cities in Europe, Prague attracts over 4 millions tourists per year. The city centre offers stunning architectural forms from Romanesque, Gothic, Baraqoue, Renaissance to Art Nouveau. However, one must not forget the real national treasure of the locals….BEER!